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Ryan needed some sunlight.He was in the middle of a death situation with a Titan.Ryan saw a gold sword lying near him.He quickly picked it up.The titan laughed. “You will try but you will also die.” Hyperion started to glow brightly. Grover shrieked.“Ryan close your eyes.”Ryan kept his eyes open.Grover had his eyes close.The titan glowed as bright as the sun.All Ryan could do was look.He was drawn towards the light.When the glowing stopped Hyperion was shocked.“How did you.....” Ryan felt more powerful than ever.He threw the sword at the titan with impossible accuracy.Grover fell out of the Titan's hands.Hyperion shrieked in pain as there was a sword stuck to his forehead.Grover yelled, “Get into camp.I'm right behind you.” Ryan ran into the camp.He saw kids about his age running around in battle armour.Ryan got a glimpse of this guy with sea green eyes holding a ballpoint pen.Hyperion was trudging into the camp with golden inch or running down his forehead. Suddenly, a net sprung onto the titan as soon as he walked into the camp.This guy with curly hair came swooping down on a golden dragon.The guy landed right in front of Ryan.“Hi,I'm Leo.You must be Ryan Johnson.

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