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Percy just met Hyperion for the third time.He was getting sick of that titan.Percy was starting to hate light.“Leo,you know this guy?”Leo fiddled with a screwdriver.“Kinda,my dad mentioned him.” Percy stared at him.Leo gave him a look that said:Tell you later.Percy didn't push him.He turned his attention to this black haired dude with a shirt that said SUNSHINE.“So...Ryan,nice to meet you I'm Percy Jackson, and this is camp Half-Blood. The second safe place in the world for demigods like you and I.” Ryan looked like he was about 14.Quite young.The guy was looking desperate for answers.Then Annabeth came out of nowhere.“What Seaweed Brain here is trying to say is that this camp is for a specific type of demigods which are Greek.”

“The other camp?”



“So why am I here” Ryan asked.“Is it about my Dad?”Percy sighed “You'all get all your answers tonight when you get claimed at the campfire.” Percy felt sorry for the guy.He remembered the first day he arrived at camp.Percy let Annabeth takeover Ryan while he went to help Leo with the Titan. “Dude,what kind of netting is this?” Percy asked impressed.

“Well, the same kind of netting that dad used on Aphrodite and Ares.”Leo said grimly.Percy knew that Leo was hiding something.“What happened?” Leo looked up.“My Dad told me that there were more bigger threats than Gaia ahead.And this new dude Ryan is part of it.”Percy couldn't believe it.Threats bigger than gaia .That is danger.“Yes” Hyperion said.Percy almost forgot he was here.“Threats bigger than Gaia. Other gods.Not Greek nor Roman.”Percy was about to black out.His head was spinning.He only thought of one name that could be the answer to all this.Carter Kane.

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