"The name on the card was non other than Vivian."
The journey of Vivian's normal happy life changing, due to these specific words, to a crazy happy life...
(Our Star ~ Spanish)
Vivian Smith, a 22 ye...
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Vivian's POV :
Both, me and papá said at the same time, though I whispered and I think hardly anyone heard me and papá said it normally for everyone to hear.
"Hey, what are you doing here? You have your meeting here?" I asked in my confusion laced voice.
"I want to ask you the same thing an- wait a minute..." Papá said and then looked at me, more like focused on my face.
"What the hell happened to you?!" He shouted. I saw his face going from confused to angry in a millisecond.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
He took long strides towards me, cupped my cheeks and then examined my wound. Wait, MY WOUND!! Shit, papa's gonna be mad. Really, really mad.
"Estrella, what happened to your face?" He asked keeping a calm front but I saw the fury in his eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I tried to calm him.
"I'm asking the last time, what happened?!"
Taking a deep breath, I explained him.
"Remember when we were talking and I cut the call in a hurry? Actually then a little kid collided into me. He was lost and so I was helping him find his people. When we didn't find anyone, I took him to his car and waited there. That's when a person came and asked me to give him the kid. I thought he was a threat to the kid and he thought I was one. That's why we ended up fighting when the little guy interrupted saying that the guy was his brother. That statement distracted me, which was my fault, and the person knocked me out. I fell and got hurt. But now I'm fine. Okay?"
I could see papa's different facial expressions when I explained him everything. Proud, thoughtful, fury and at the end, concerned.
"Give me his name." He said in the end.
"It's all fine okay? I'm fine and he was just protecting his brother. So was I, protecting his brother only. So you're not going to go and fight him now." I said with finality in my tone.
"Estrella, I asked for the name."
"I'm serious, it's okay. If it were anything serious, I'd tell you myself." I said.
"I know you would but I can't let anyone get away with hitting my daughter." He replied with a serious tone.
"DAUGHTER?!" I was going to reply when the all the boys shouted this together.
I turned around to see the boys with shocked and confused looks.
"Um yeah, I'm his daughter. Why are you guys shouting? It's not like I'm your sister or something. He's just here for his meeting." I asked shrugging. I mean, it's normal for your business partner to have a daughter. What's the big thing?