"The name on the card was non other than Vivian."
The journey of Vivian's normal happy life changing, due to these specific words, to a crazy happy life...
(Our Star ~ Spanish)
Vivian Smith, a 22 ye...
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Vivian's POV :
"Mike no!"
"Vivian yes!"
"Mike no and now that's final."
"Vivian yes and that's final."
You guys might be wondering what's happening, right guys? Well today's a new day and like my last few days, I came to the office at 8am to start my work. And I was peacefully working until this idiot, commonly known as Mike, barged into my cabin at 1pm, demanding me to go with him to lunch outside, rather than having it in here.
"Mike, why the hell do you want to take me out?" I asked.
"I just want to. Now you're coming with me. I already said it's my treat. Where is the Viv I know who never says no to free food?" He asked in exasperation.
"Ugh! That Viv has alot of work to do today." I reasoned.
"Like what?" He asked with a sly smirk. Okay something is fishy.
"Like making plans for..." I trail off because on checking the tablet attached to my desk which displays my schedule and was displaying a long to-do list for today not 10 minutes ago, I find the list to be completely empty now.
"Leo where the hell did my schedule go?" I asked my assistant, who had been watching me and Mike since the last 10 minutes from the corner of my office.
In answer, he just gave me a sheepish smile, one which a kid gives to his mom when she finds out that he did something bad.
Realising what happened, I turned towards Mike to give him a look.
"Mike, stop bribing my assistant with some gummy bears to clear my schedule. And you, stop getting persuaded by him!" I directed the last line towards Leo.
"Well they were more than just some." Leo muttered, probably not for me to hear but I did, which earned him a glare from me.
"I'll deal with you later." Saying that, I turned towards Mike.
"Listen Mike, I really have work to do. Just wiping out the schedule from my tablet doesn't really mean that I don't have to do anything now. I still have to complete all that work." I explained to him.
"I get it Vivian I've seen you work for the last 2 years. And I don't want you to avoid your work, but today's work can also be done by Leo. I've already talked to him and he can do everything today. The gummy bears did help in persuading him though but that doesn't matter. And Liam is also ready with the car outside. We're just taking you to a cute little diner for some relaxing. You need to relax a bit. You're stressing too much for the upcoming event." Mike told me.
Knowing that he's right, I sighed and then said, "Okay, I'll go but Leo, anything happens and if you need me at all, just call me and I'll be here."