I just stated a true fact

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Vivian's POV:

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Vivian's POV:

After the intros were done, we all sat down in the living room, me sitting next to the trips.

"Dad, where are our abuelos (grandparents)?" Lucas asked papá.

"They'd be coming soon. Mamá and papá wanted to come here directly but we forced them to go their house in here and freshen up first." He explained.

"How really are they?" I questioned.

"Well grandma is the sweetest woman on this Earth and she adores everyone of us." Rian said.

"And she makes the best, most awesome food in the world." Evan exclaimed while licking his lips.

"She's also our protector from these meanies." Jayden gestured to the older siblings of ours.

"Yeah, prank them and then run behind grandma. You should see how the grizzly bears convert to small mice in front of her." Roman whispered to me.

"Small mice you say?" Callan said and looking forward, Callan, Donovan, Thomas and Adrian were all giving intimidating looks to him. In return, Roman paled and shrunk back into the couch.

Then I faced the others again and asked, "And well grandpa?"

"Grandfather's scary." Colton stated.

"He has this whole intimidating blank face on everytime you see him." Caleb continued.

"He's also very sweet." Chirped Connor.

"Bud, he's only openly sweet to you. Everyone's sweet to you." Oliver said while ruffling his hair and Connor grinned widely at his comment.

"Guys, papá isn't that sca- okay yeah he is scary." Tío Benji started to defend his father but then he also concluded in him being scary.

"Oh he is. One look from him and all the oldies can piss their pants in front of him." Roman again whispered to me.

"Oh really brother?" This was asked by Thomas, while the other oldies also gave him intimidating looks resulting in Roman again paling.

Chuckling, I said, "You really gotta learn how to whisper dear Ro."

"Don't worry sis. Grandpa does seem scary but he adores us all. He just doesn't show it well." Adrian told me with a smile.

"Yes sweetie, you needn't worry. Papá does seem scary but is a really great person once you get to know him." Tío Samuel said to me.

"Yeah estrella, they'd love you so don't worry." Papá said.

"Well hopefully. Only time will tell I guess." I shrugged and gave them a small smile.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Guess the time is now." Bear said and then went to open the door.

A minute later, he returned with an older couple, probably in their 70s. I think those are my abuelos.

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