Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I shook my head at her trying to tell her not to come after me. But Jennifer has her moments and this just so happened to be one of them. She shook her head back at me and mouthed "I'm saving you."

I wish it was true and that we could just frolic out of there but she'd step in there and they'd take her like they took me. "Why are you doing this to me, you wanted someone else. Leave me out of it."

"Correction. James wanted someone else but I wanted you, I just needed to see you to realise that you want me too." Kai said.

I glared at him, but didn't say anything because I don't want to murdered. Not today Satan, not today...

"And I only agreed to you coming back because my beta has a 'crush' on you and I need to get the whereabouts of my mate." His knuckles were white against the wheel. "We can't be stupid like the last time and so you must be kept in one room and be accompanied everywhere."

"No you won't, just lock the windows next time if you're scared of me running." I said bored. If they were going to kidnap me they might as well let my do my business alone. I pressed myself against the door, the windows were tinted and nobody could see me because if they could I would be screaming and banging against the glass. I did how ever see Jennifer driving in the lane beside us. She occasionally looked over to the car and glared at the windows.

"She's following us, I change my mind, going back for her was a great plan." James said his grip loosened on the wheel.

"You can't take her." I said reading myself to lunge at him, Kai grabbed me by the waist and I glared at him and tried to remove his his hand away but he wouldn't budge. "She's my friend you can't hurt her, I'd rather you kill me." I warned James and Kai.

"If you do what we want we won't hurt either of you, we wouldn't want to do anything to you two anyway." He slouched back in his car seat. "Why did you have to have to have such a talkative mate."

I glared at James and elbowed Kai in the stomach so he would let me go, I went back into previous position. "I am not fucking talkative." I muttered defensively. Maybe I talked a bit but I can't help it I'm a very curious person.

Kai leaned over to me making me feel uncomfortable. "Hun you've barely left gaps for other people to talk." Kai sat back but kept his hand around my shoulders.

"We're coming to the forest knock her out." Nate said smirking at me through the mirror. Wait what? I looked at Kai and he held up a cloth with what I can only assume is drenched in chloroform. I shook my head and sucked in air so I could stay awake for more time to see where they were taking me.

"Sorry Kat, I have to do this." Kai covered my mouth and nose with the cloth the chloroform seeped into my skin, I held my breath. He decided though that I needed to breathe in the drug and so he pinched me, I gasped and I breathed in the fumes.

I started hyperventilating, my lungs felt like they were filling with lead. I struggled against his hand but ultimately the chloroform knocked me out cold.


I woke up to see the same ceiling I had in the morning. This time though a hand wasn't holding me down, I was hand cuffed to a pole on the bed. I turned on my side and looked out the window, it was night time now. The stars and moon complemented the sky perfectly, I remember that after a ruff day with my dad, my sister and I would go into our back garden to look at the stars and we would plan our future. Who knew that she'd be the start of my future being torn apart.

I heard a laugh that I had heard from the time I landed in America, Jen's laugh. Wait, Jen's laughing. Is she enjoying this? I thought they kidnapped her, did she get the fun kidnap option while I got the drugged option. I sat up to exam my trapped hand and mentally laughed. They mustn't have been able to find kiddie's handcuffs because with a small bit of effort I'd be able to slide my hand out. Yay for small hands.

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