Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

I swallowed the giant lump that was caught in my throat, the place was the same. It was untouched by time but it was virtually empty. Hand in hand Kai and I walked in, I trailed behind him.

Until I saw Jen sitting on a couch watching some T.V. I ran over to her and jumped on her. It took a second for her to realise it was me and she hugged me back.

"You're safe," I heard her sigh. "I can't believe you're back, Kat I missed you so much."

I pulled back giving her the biggest smile I could. "Same here Jen," I felt so happy in that moment. "I'm so happy we're both safe."

I was lost in the moment so much so that I didn't know James had entered the room and he looked pissed. I don't know why though, I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Katrina," he said his voice void of emotion. "You're going to need to step away from Jennifer and come with me."

I looked at him slightly confused but I got up when I saw Kai nodded behind him. I smiled at Jen as I got up and left, a nervous, sick feeling filling my stomach.

I was brought to a dark office like room, the only reason I hadn't lost my shit was the fact that Kai was holding my hand while I was sitting.

"I have asked you in here because we need you to not return until Kian has been found and exterminated." I looked at him an incredulous expression painted on my face, "you are a target and this is an obvious place for you to take cover. If you continue to stay here you are putting everyone at great danger." He gave Kai a hard look, "I suggest you get rid of the problem so you can return to your Beta duties. I need you to leave immediately let Katrina say goodbye to who ever she needs to for now."

The news made me feel deflated but he had a point, I was dangerous. I don't know when they're going to come back to find me, even I'm dangerous, I don't know if my banshee abilities will ever come back. Honestly I'm afraid of what might happen if they did.

I looked up at Kai, I wanted to say goodbye to Jen. I wanted to see my sister I haven't seen her in months and I was desperate to just even write her a letter.

He held my hand gently and we walked out of the office together, I'm not going to lie and say that I'm happy about this situation. I'm actually quite pissed off, they would rather Kai and I fight off Kian on our own than let us stay and help protect us.

Once we were completely out my confident facade disappeared and tears were filling my eyes. Who knows how much time it's going to take for it all to be okay, when will I be able to come back. Dear God why was I crying so much, there must be something in the air.

"I want to see Jen," I stated thinking for minute I remembered. "Kai I want to see my sister too."

He looked away from me making my eyebrows almost join together in frustration, "I'm sorry Kat but that's not happening."

I crossed my arms and froze in my spot, "what do you mean by that Kai. Where's my sister?" He still couldn't look me in the eyes, "Kai tell me now or I'm not moving."

He rubbed his hands over his face, "she left." He sighed finally looking at me, I was stunned silent. "She and Nate decided to move to Ireland and join a pack over there."

I had no words, I didn't blame her obviously but I was angry. She was lucky that I got the brunt of dad's abuse, yet when I go missing she runs and doesn't help me. I risked everything to get her away from him and she did nothing to save me.

I marched off letting Kai follow after me. At least I had Jen she was more of a sister than Aoife ever was. I rushed to her, she was still sitting watching tv. I grabbed her without warning earning myself a gasp. She didn't hesitate for long and squeezed me back. I needed her to do that, I was going to miss her most but I understood why she had to stay away from me. The last thing I wanted right now was for her to get hurt.

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