Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I woke up with sleep cutting into my eyes. I rubbed my eyes viscously trying to get rid of the feeling. I let out a puff of air and sat up in the bed, I hadn't realised that I had been crying in my sleep. I don't remember the dream that I had but I do remember all the information that had been thrown my way yesterday, do you blame me for crying?

I decided to get over it, that's all you can truly do. I had to let it go and I had to leave as soon as possible. Suddenly my door burst open, Beth stood there with a wide grin on her face and a bottle full of black liquid in her hand.

"I worked all night to finish it, I know you want to leave and this can enable you to do this." She was slightly out of breath, "Kai wont be able to find you for five days after you drink this. That'll give you enough time to get out of state but don't bother going to the airport because I'm sure Kai has your pictures up to find you."

I couldn't help it I jumped off the bed and gave her the biggest hug that I could give. "Thank you so much." She handed me the drink and I drank it without question, thinking back on it that could have been poison but I wasn't in a place to refuse help.

I felt a small weight being lifted from me and I felt light and airy. I sniffed my arm and sure enough I smelt absolutely nothing not even the perfume I had put on the night before.

"There it's all done, get dressed and then you can leave but you're safe now just try and stay incognito." Beth patted my shoulder and sauntered out.

I couldn't fight the smile that now lit up my face, I felt free and this time I wanted to stay free. I put on all black clothes deciding that they were the best clothes for blending in. I smiled at myself again in the mirror before leaving.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Jen sitting at the island eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning," she said smiling. "You should go soon because the Alpha will be here in an hour, he sent a letter saying that he wants to take back the rejection. By the way, have a look at your shoulder."

I frowned at her what does she mean by that? I took a quick look at my shoulder and low and behold, a beautiful tattoo-like mark lay there. My head whipped back towards her, "Jen what do I do now?"

"You blend in and avoid Kai until the potion wears off but after that you'll have to go to him, or he'll mark another and you'll be left with a nasty heart shaped scar. And then you might die" She just shrugged as if what she had just said was perfectly normal.

"Wait what?" My heart began to pound, "I knew I needed to be marked but what is this all about? You know what, I don't have time for this." I held my hands in the air and left the house.

I pulled the hood tight over my head and I just walked, fast paced to a bar that I knew was close by. Then low and behold the bar, Crimson, was there and it was open. This particular bar had been a great hang out spot during college. It had a reputation for serving minors.

I entered the bar and the familiar scents of the alcohol and pine hit me and made me feel at home. I slide onto a bar stool and ordered a mojito, I love mojitos.

I had a quick look around the bar and I saw something that made shivers run up my spine. There was a notice board and littered across it were photos on me with the words Find Her written on them. I looked at the bartender and he just smiled at me and handed me my drink.

"Don't worry," He placed a coaster under my drink. "I'm not going to call him but I will put your drink on his tab."

I smiled at him grateful that someone was on my side but that also meant that he was probably one of them. I sipped at my drink enjoying the minty favour and alcoholic buzz I was receiving. I was brought out of my bliss when the door slammed open.

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