Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I don't remember falling asleep but I had and let me tell you, it is really weird waking up in hand cuffs. I mean I had before but this situation was way different. I wanted out and I could feel that my wrists were bleeding. Sun light leaked from the small window showing me that it was the start of a new day, day two of creepy kidnapper. I wish I was back with the slightly weird kidnappers, at least they let me have enough freedom that I could escape. Maybe that's why I'm handcuffed, they knew I was amazing at escaping.

My head snapped up when the door opened and I immediately tried shielding myself from their view. It was a new guy, he was smaller than their Alpha but still much bigger than me.

"Alpha Kian requests your presence." He made calculated steps toward me and casually broke the bed frame to release my cuffs from their restraint, you know as you do do just brake a bed with your bare hands. "I will escort you there, I will need to sedate you."

My eyes widened as he produced a syringe filled half way with what I can only assume is a sedative. I tried to back away but his free hand gripped my arm tightly, I knew I was going to have bruises. He injected me with the liquid that sent a stinging sensation up my arm. I struggled away from his grip but it only tightened and my wriggling had caused a slight burn to form on my arm.

The effects of the fluid quickly took over my body. My head felt as if it was going to blow up, my arms and legs grew heavy and I eventually just couldn't move them. The guy grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder like I was a piece of meat. My chin slammed hard against his back and I bit my tongue, hard. Blood started to fill my mouth and I had to open my mouth to release the metallic liquid. The blood continued to pour out of my mouth, how much blood is in a tongue?

Finally the guy set me down on a plush sofa, I was beginning to get feeling back in my limbs. I hauled my cuffed hands up to face to wipe my mouth as I could feel some blood drizzle from my lips.

The door on the other side of the room opened and through my fuzzy vision I could see I tall figure enter the room.

"Wow I can see my omega was not good to you," I could kind of make out a frown on his face. "I will call the pack doctor, we can't have Beta Kai coming to retrieve you while your like this. I need to use you for a deal and damaged goods don't sell well."

It was my turn to frown now, "you're giving me back?" My voice was croaky and my jaw hurt.

"For a price but if your mate is not willing to pay, well our pack will just have to keep you." He had a smile on his face now, "we're going to take pictures of you and send them to your mate's pack. It's kind of good that you look slightly beaten maybe that'll make your mate think about accepting my offer."

I sharp knock on the door caught our attention, a medium sized man entered with a case in his hand, "I am terribly sorry for interrupting Alpha Kian but I was told you needed my assistance."

Kian nodded in his direction and the man came over to me. He smiled at me and I felt a bit more at ease but my brain was still on high alert.

"Okay, miss, I'm going to apply cold packs on both your arms to reduce swelling, I'm going to clean up your chin and I'm going to need to take a look at your tongue." He began his treatment and he was so gentle it was a nice contrast to my previous treatment. To finish up the examination I opened my mouth and to my embarrassment blood spilled out all over my t-shirt and on his arms but there was something weird. There was flecks of silver in the blood.

I looked back up at the doctor and he was as white as a sheet. He began to back away from me he looked afraid of me but why and the I saw Kian's face he too looked scared.

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