Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

When I eventually came around I saw the block of apartments that I used to live in. I looked to the woman that saved me but she just looked ahead making no eye contact. My door was opened by a man with dark hair he gestured for me to leave the car.

I slowly got out, I'm not going to lie I'm totally confused. Why wont they talk to me?

The man shut the door and pressed a finger into his ear, "Alpha Duron we have rescued the banshee and the she-wolf. The charmer is missing we will need more personnel, Alpha Kian was absent also." His robotic mouth shut and he nodded at me before driving away.

So there I stood in front of a place I used to live wondering why I was left here. I decided to bite the bullet and walk in, getting into the block was easy usually it requires a key but it was slightly ajar. This was probably an ominous sign but I had no where else to go. I walked down the halls until finally I was in front of my apartment. The door was shut and I had no key, so I knocked. I couldn't really do anything else.

Within seconds the door opened to reveal a disheveled looking Kai. His face fell when he saw me and it was like someone had hit me right in the heart.

"Kai what's wrong?" I tried to reach out to him but he flinched away.

"Don't try to act like her, tell Kian he won. I'm done fighting back." The despair in his eyes felt like someone was stabbing me.

"Kai it's me, I'm back. Someone saved me."

He scoffed at me, "you really run off a script don't you. Go away before I make you go away."

I stood my ground, tears were starting to fall. "Please believe me Kai, I don't know where else to go. It's me please believe me."

An emotionless passed on his face as he produced a silver dagger, "I don't know why you wont leave. By now you should know that if I stab you, you'll just go back to normal and I can keep on mourning for my Katrina."

At this point tears were streaming down my face, "please Kai. Don't hurt me, please don't do it. It's really me, I'm back." I reached out of his hand to lower the knife but instead of being able to do it I felt the sharp pain of it going through my hand. I silent scream passed my lips and I fell to the floor.

Kai's eyebrows furrowed slightly and he got down to my level, "I have to admit you've been the most convincing. Kian put a lot of effort into you, the blood and your voice almost match her's but you're too pale to actually be her." He sighed and began pressing the silver dagger to my stomach. I could tell he was hesitating but he was going to stab me anyway.

"Kai if stabbing me will make you believe that it's me then do it." I sat up now and wiped away my tears, "it's okay if you kill me I'll come back. I will forgive you."

A look of frustration was all over his face as he plunged the knife deep into my stomach and pulled it out.

My hands instantly went to my stomach but I still stood looking at Kai with tears once again filling my eyes.

First confusion lit up his features then worry and finally realisation. Tears filled his own eyes and he scooped me up and ran i to the living room laying me on the couch.

"Shit, shit, shit." He started applying pressure to the area he had had stabbed but the silver had caused some internal burning. "I'm so sorry Kat, I didn't know it was you."

I gently placed a hand over his and offered a small smile. I knew I was going to die soon, the amount of times I had already been stabbed with silver prepared me.

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