Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I regret ever asking him to train me. My whole body felt like it had been stomped on by a thousand football players in their boots.

"Okay that's the warm up, you can take a quick break for a drink before we get into the tough work out." Kai stood their stretching and breathing with ease.

Whereas I stood there dripping with sweat and wheezing. I somehow managed to get over to my bottle of water and I downed it like it was the only thing that could cure me. It didn't help at all I still felt like my body was going to die.

He grabbed what looked like two giant torture devices and put them on. "Kat these are attack pads, I need you to elbow them as hard as you can, then I give me some kicks and to finish this section I want you to knee me a few times." He positioned the pad at his side and squared himself up.

I steadied my breathing and decided not to focus on the fact that there's going to be more sections than just this one. I braced myself for the attack. I squared up my feet and bounced on my feet to get ready.

I raised my raised my elbow and gave him thirty blows as hard as I could, I stopped because the top of my forearm and elbow was starting to bleed. I decided to move on to the kneeing before the kicking.

I grunted with every hit but I didn't want to stop, I needed to do this. All I could picture was Greyson's mate's body slumped with Kian. I started to kicked the pad then, tears were filling my eyes the whole right side of my body was aching.

"Okay Kat that's enough for now, you need to stop." Kai's voice brought me out of the trance that I had found myself in.

I slumped against the pad, "Kai I need to be stronger Greyson's mate we need to save her before he hurts her." I was crying now, my face became soaking wet fast.

I felt the pad leave my body and Kai replaced it, the tingles he brought with him gave me some comfort. Even though I didn't know Greyson's mate, I didn't even know her name. I couldn't fight the guilt that I felt for feeling safe with Kai. She probably felt so alone and Kian was most likely torturing her.

"Kat we going to save her, we're leaving tomorrow. You have to stay, you and Jennifer need to keep the women and children of the pack safe while we're gone. Kian will try and get to you when he figures out we're coming." Kai held me close and started rocking me gently, "I can't lose you Kat. I can't let him take you, I wont let you be hurt by him again."

I leaned against him and relaxed in the rhythm that he had created. I repositioned myself so I was straddling him, I looked up at him.

"I'm going to protect them, I want you to stay safe too Kai." I smiled up at him teasingly to try and ease some of the tension that had manifested its self. "I've grown quite fond of you, I wouldn't appreciate it if you got hurt, I want you to come back to me in one piece. No bumps, bruises or scratches. Understand?"

He chuckled and gave me a small kiss on the tip of my nose. I sighed and rested my forehead against his. I didn't want or need anything to go wrong. Greyson deserved his mate, I was able to have mine.

"Kat I'll make sure I get home, all I want is for us to have a perfect life", Kai pulled away slightly to look directly into my eyes. "I still have to mark you and that's what'll drive me to get home to you."

A warm sensation filled my body, he made me feel loved and safe but I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. Bad things happen when life starts to look up.

"When do you have to leave?" We continued staring into each others eyes, "I know you're leaving tomorrow but when?". I didn't want to wait too long, something could happen to Grey's mate. There was something inside me begging him not to go but I forced that part of me to become silent.

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