Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

When I woke up I wasn't in the bed with Kai instead I was back in that place. This time my face was pressed up against the bed and then I remembered how I was in this position once before. I heard the door open and my whole body went tense and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

They had tricked me, filled my head with false memories that I had escaped.

"So you're awake, by the look of your face the poison worked." I instantly recognised the voice as my fathers but her sounded a bit off, maybe that was because of the poison. "Today we're going to have some fun, we've done this once before but I've managed to hold off on doing it again."

I couldn't see what was going on but I felt the cool steel blade of a knife glide down my back, it sliced my shirt open. My back was now completely visible and I dreaded what was coming up next.

He dragged the clanging metal against the floor and my body was vibrating with fear, my thoughts were confirmed when he hit me first. He was whipping me. I was screaming and begging for him to stop but it just made him hit me harder.

The only thing that was different is that he wasn't taunting me, he was silently hitting me or maybe he was and my screams were blocking out his voice but overall there was a blurriness to the whole experience. Still the pain was burning and unbearable.

But I began to hear something in the distance but it was getting closer, it sounded like Kai but it couldn't be I was back in a place I presuming was completely underground and secret. But his voice was getting clearer, he was telling me to wake up.

I pushed away his voice it only caused me more pain. I was just imagining it because I wanted to be out of here.

But no matter how hard I tried his voice was still there but it was becoming more insistent. I wanted to go away, he wasn't real.

I took the begging still begging for mercy that I was never shown. It went on until I shouted for him to stop, it was over. He was gone and everything was black, I felt someone reach for me and I let them pull me out.

I jumped up the sweat pouring from me. I was in my own bed, it was a nightmare.

I looked around in confusion but not a thing was out of place, Kai was beside me looking at me with worry in his eyes.

If it wasn't real why did it hurt so bad.

"Kat what did they do to you?" Kai touched my leg but I flinched away, "seriously Kat you need to tell me what they did and who they were I'll kill them."

His words sounded so confident that I wanted to believe him but I knew he couldn't do anything. Hopefully the people that saved me killed my father and I really hope they found Greyson's mate, who knows what torture she's going through.

"It was nothing Kai, they're probably dead." I wiped the sweat and tears away and tried to offer him a smile, "don't worry I'm safe. It's just going to take time for me to truely know that I'm safe."

Kai's eyebrows furrowed and he brought me into his arms and we leaned back in bed, the sky was jet black. At least we still had time to sleep till morning.

Kai pressed his head in my hair breathing in the smell which I'd say are awful considering I haven't properly washed it in months but I didn't stop him. It felt too nice.

"Kat I will always worry, there is no way in hell that what they did to you was nothing." He sighed, "you were screaming and I couldn't wake you up. You were begging for it to stop but you still wouldn't wake up. You need to talk about what happened or this is going to keep on happening."

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