Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Kai pulled me into a cosy looking room. It had beige walls, a decent T.V and a cream couch. It looked simple and homey. Kai sat down and welcomed me by opening his arms. He was high if he thought I was going to sit next to him. I sat cross legged on the floor and waited for him to turn on something.

He sighed, "Kat please sit up here, I promise to keep on my side and as much as it pains me I'll kept my hands to myself too." He moved to the arm of the chair leaving a large portion of couch for me.

I gingerly sat down, I pressed myself up against the arm of the couch. I can't believe I'm actually doing this and why did I feel safe, I shouldn't. He was keeping me here and had the audacity to write up an agreement that I had to stay for a week. I was just praying that the week went by fast.

"Okay so you can decide what we'll watch and I'll get some food." He left, leaving me in silence with the remote.

I flicked through the channels and settled for re-runs of Friends. I love this show, I grew up watching it and so I feel at ease watching it. I heard the door open and expected for it to be Kai back.

"Who are you?" A soft feminine voice spoke out of the silence. She appeared in the door way she was beautiful, her skin was a soft peach and her hair was long and golden. I coulf feel myself bubble with jealousy, "I'm Ashlynn but you can call me Ash."

"Hi." I said meekly, she was very attractive and I couldn't help but notice a heart shaped scar on her jawline. I was intrigued, "my name is Alex." Well I was hardly going to give another one of these people my real name.

"Nice name if only it were your real one." Ash said, "funny thing is. I didn't give you my real name either. Want to hang out later." Well she got straight to the point, I like that.

"Uh yeah sure, I guess." I stammered out. I think we could have been friends if the situation was different but still I felt compelled to get to know her. Her perfume lingered for a few seconds before all evidence of her appearance disappeared.

Kai came in a few minutes later with his arms full, I felt a wave of desire to help him overcome me but my body refused to help he deserved all difficulties thrown his way. He laid out all the food on the coffee table. I gawked at the amount of stuff that was there, there was no way two people could eat this much.

He grabbed a sharing bag of Doritos and just started eating them, "why couldn't you bring a bowl and share them like the bag is telling you?" I didn't like the flavour but it's the thought that counts.

"I don't like sharing," He said his face completely straight. He looked like I just told him to give up a kidney. "I don't share food but I share everything else." He winked at me. But then he furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't share you either. You're all mine and I'm all yours."

I grimaced slightly, I wish he hadn't kidnapped me because he probably would be a great boyfriend. I grabbed a packet of skittles, it didn't look like it had been tampered with so I guess it wasn't drugged. I opened the pack with no intention of sharing either.

Kai was staring at me with love in his eyes. I think I'm going to leave now this whole situation is weird, "Why are staring at me like that?"

"I like your smile, you should do it more," he said. "Can I have some skittles?"

"No, because if you try to kidnap my food your arm it wont exist anymore." I replied getting up. "My food is my food, I don't share anything." I glared deeply at him, "and I mean anything."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "where are you going?"

"I can't be around you, it's beyond weird." I left the room and decided to look around the place I'd be staying in for a week. I went down the hall way and saw a door, on it was a sign that said 'Lounge Town' . I wanted to have a look to see who or what is in there.

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