Chapter Nineteen.

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Chapter Nineteen

"Kai what was that?" I looked around our room anxiously but not a thing was out of place. Kai was up in a flash.

"Kat stay put, I'm going to see what's going on." Kai was walking out the door as he was he was putting his shirt on. "No matter how much you want to. Do not leave this room."

I quickly nodded, and he left before I could tell him to be safe. I could hear the lock on the door close, I snuck up to the window and I saw a pack of wolves and people. In the middle was a smiling Kian with Jen against his chest and a knife to her throat. The sheer panic on her face made me want to go down there and help but I was frozen.

I could feel the tears running down my face, I was so shook by the act that was going that I didn't notice that someone was in my room. My scream was muffled by a giant hand that covered the bottom half of my face.

I tried to elbow him off but I was so tired and I was nowhere near big or strong enough. I was dragged away and no one noticed. everyone was too busy fighting to notice a girl being carted off. I tried to get them to see me and to stop him from taking me but I couldn't do it by myself.

Eventually I was outside and I gained a stronger need for freedom when I saw Kai covered in blood fighting off three burly men. I kicked as tried to claw my way out of the man's grip. He just squeezed my arms tighter causing sharp pains to race up my body.

I don't know how he did it but he got me out and no one even glanced my way. I broke down in tears. I was completely defeated, it's as if no matter what I do I'm always destined to have bad things happen to me.

"Hey Kian, I've done your dirty work can I have a drink now?" His voice was rough, it sounded so evil. Yet oddly enough I remember hearing it before. Why would he need to ask to have a drink surel-.

I let out a loud squeak when I felt two sharp things pierce my skin. It completely took me from my train of thought. It felt like he was drawing blood, which I guess he technically was and right when he was finished my weakened body was harshly flung into the black on a small transit van.

Everywhere hurt but I forgot my pain when I saw a gagged, tied up Jen. I pulled myself over to her. I fiddled with her binds and got her free.

"Jen what happened? Why did they take you?" I cradled her body as it sagged towards me, he body shook with every sob.

"He wants my baby, Kat he wants to take my baby." Jen's words were shaky but oddly clear, she started digging her nails into my legs so much so that they began to bleed a lot.

"Jen stop you're hurting me, why are you doing this." I wrenched myself from her grip and she just sat there smiling at me. "You're not Jen."

The thing just chuckled at me, "I am not but I have been put here to give you a message." It made straight eye contact with me and I couldn't look away. "Your father wants you to know that he is not finished with you, he have plenty of fun activities for you to enjoy."

I was frozen. He's here. I knew my father had something to do with this, I really thought that he would leave me alone after he had marked me and I ran away. My guess is that he is that he wants me to suffer just because my mother was smart enough to leave him.

I locked over to where the thing was and it had disappeared as if it was just a hologram. The van jump started and we began to drive away. I hurled my body against the doors just screaming for help. I didn't notice the white gas filling the room but it made my limbs give out and I fell to the floor and banged my head hard on the floor. Just before I blacked out a thought came to my head.

Why is it always me?

I awoke in a strange room I felt insanely light headed, I tried to move but I was held down by restraints. I tried to cry but there was a silver plate covering my mouth, the pain caused my tears to dry up and muffled screams of agony were involuntarily leaving my mouth.

Katrina (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें