Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

I stared at the people coming in. They walked in uniform, it was honestly quite creepy. Kai looked a little shaken but he sat down on an arm chair an set two pizzas and a brown bag on the coffee table.

It felt like an eternity had passed before anybody said anything.

"So Kat, this is Alpha Duron he organised your rescue." Kai broke the silence but he sounded awkward and he was swallowing an awful lot, "he wanted to come so you could thank him personally."

My eyes widened, this man had made all the things happen. He helped me get out of that place. I guess the least I could do is say thank you.

"T-thank you," I paused for a minute trying to figure out what I was going to say but I did have one question. "Why did you save me?"

Duron raised his eyebrows showing emotion for the first time, "I'm the Alpha of Justice it's what I must do. Kian has been breaking the rules for years now and once we received proof that he was torturing you then we were able to take action." His voice was gruff and didn't sound like the others that had saved me. "We understand that he has turned you into a hybrid, we have vials of an elixir that is designed by my pack." He smiled at me his face contorting into a weird shape, "it will help you to not crave blood. We recommend at least one vial a day but you will eventually be able to abstain from drinking blood, it's only superstition that vampires need blood to survive only new bloods do."

I felt like I had been torpedoed with information, and sure enough I saw several white cases which I presume are filled with those vials. He brought relief though, I didn't have to drink blood forever.

"Thank you again, Alpha Duron." I said trying to fill the silence.

Kai still sat there in silence, I don't know why he hasn't spoken up in the last few minutes.

"Katrina as I said it was my duty to perform your rescue." Duron's voice for some reason sounded slightly strained, "if we do not find Greyson's mate, the charmer, we will need you to act as a temptation to lure Kian to our trap."

I felt my whole stomach drop, was he serious? He wanted me to go back in there before I knew it tears were filling my eyes threatening to spill. I looked over at Kai who was glaring at Duron his fists clenched ready to attack.

"She is not putting herself in danger just because you think she owes you something. You aren't fooling me by saying 'temptation' you want her as bait." He was getting angrier and angrier by the second, "I almost lost her Duron. I will not lose her again, when you meet your mate you'll understand."

When Kai stopped speaking I shifted my view to Duron, he had an impassive look on his face.

"Calm down Kai," he said his voice void of anything. "You know that my pack under my control would not do anything that would harm an innocent. The fact that you doubt me feels like an insult to my packs abilities." He began to walk away his hands behind his back, "it wasn't a question Katrina if there's any hope in retrieving the charmer it will involve you."

Without waiting for a response from either of us he marched out with the others following in synchronisation.

I sighed with relief when I heard my door shut.

Kai slapped his hands together and opened the pizza which surprisingly was still quite hot.

"So... do you want to eat some pizza." I smiled, glad he didn't want to talk about the conversation we just had because I just want to forget it all for now.

I nodded enthusiastically the smell alone was making me feel better. I opened my box and I huge smile made it's way onto my face. All the toppings were arranged into a heart, I looked over to see Kai waiting for me to turn.

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