Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

I screamed and Kian's smirking face looked right up at my window and winked at me. I scrambled to the edge of the bed, I had forgotten about the pain that was just about to take hold of my body.

She was completely out cold, she looked so life less and what was worse was that she only had her bra and underwear on. What was he planning on doing to her?

All my concern vanished when my body over heated and pain swarmed all around me. I writhed on the floor, I couldn't help but wonder in the midst of the pain why I hadn't just passed out. In an attempt to knock myself I banged my head against the floor. I wanted to be free of the agony. I was getting weaker and my head felt heavy. As if by pure will power everything went black but I didn't get the sweet release I craved.

The strong heat was still there it still made its self known. The worst possible thing that could have happened during all of this was happening. Hot mercury filled my mouth rapidly and I also felt it seep out of my eyes. Whispers poured into my head and they quickly turned into screams. Someone was dying. I couldn't do anything, I was completely useless.

I tried to push away the screams but the just got louder and louder, I had to let them just take over. I wanted to make them go away but there was no waking me up. Until of course the person died and a savage scream ripped its way from the throat. All my senses came rushing back to me and I could only feel a dull ache around my stomach.

I pulled myself into a sitting position and rocked myself. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking, I was never going to get used to that. I need Kai to help me control it, maybe then I could not go through that ordeal every time.

I heard someone come in but I couldn't turn around. I was in shock, stuck in my head. Without turning around I used all my strength to stand up, my foot felt fine. As if I had super healing powers. I sat on the bed and still did not look at the person that had come in.

I didn't feel like myself and I did react at all when Kai entered my vision. His face exuded concern and he brought me into a hug, which completely pulled me back into reality. I gripped the back of his shirt at the back and nestled my head into his shoulder. I let myself softly cry and I let him comfortingly stroke my back.

I pulled back from our embraces as realisation fully hit me. "Kai, Kian has Greyson's mate."

Kai's face dropped, "what did you just say?"

I looked away from him slightly embarrassed that I had kind of forgotten. "When I woke up earlier, I saw Kian carrying Greyson's mate through the forest. He knows that I saw him." I looked up at Kai through my eyelashes with worry in my eyes, "what do you think he wants with her."

Kai gulped, "his pack enforces the old treaty and that says that if a charmer charms an Alpha then she belongs to his Pack." He looked horrified, "Kat. He's going to brand her, we need to find her before this happens."

I nodded my mouth open in shock, "call Greyson he needs to know."

He scrambled off the bed leaving me alone. I followed after him but he had gone so fast, he was completely out of sight. I caught a whiff of myself and almost puked, I smelt awful. I practically race to the room. I grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom.

I had a lovely shower and I lathered my whole body in a citrus scented soap and washed my hair. I know I shouldn't care about my appearance in this situation but I want to be as presentable as possible.

I wrapped up my hair and dried off. I stood in front of the mirror and saw tat my eyes had changed colour, they had turned into a dark grey with gold flecks decorating my irises. I also took the time to notice some more changes in my appearance. My skin had deepened in colour, my physique overall looked a lot better, my hair look so healthy and I felt stronger.

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