Chapter One

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Hey, firstly I'd like to thank you for deciding to check out my book. I really appreciate it. I just wanted to make note that the main girl's name is Katrina but prefers Katie so most of the time I'm going to write Katie or Kat. This story contains strong language and in the future will contain scenes of a sexùal nature so if you're going to complain about it don't read those parts.

Chapter One

I woke up and sighed, another morning without my boyfriend in our bed. I don't know what I did to cause his distance from me. He hasn't done anything intimate with me in a month. I would kill for even a peck on the cheek, that's how desperate I am.

I got out of bed and stepped over to the wardrobe, I opened it and then noticed that all of Nate's clothes are gone except a t-shirt or two and a good few boxers. Oh shit, oh my God. He's breaking up with me, that's why he didn't want me. I bet he's cheating, he always smells of another girl's perfume but I assumed it was a work colleague.

I guess I kind of get it. He was never really like a boyfriend more like a friend that I occasionally kissed and slept with. I grabbed a skater skirt, my Heisenberg t-shirt and a bomber jacket in case it got chilly, I was planning to be out for a while. I slung my bag over my shoulder that has all my necessary items in it, including the essentials for tomorrow. I crept down the stairs my mind set on leaving but Nate had other plans.

"Hey Katrina come on in, there's this thing on T.V and it is hilarious!" He said beckoning me over.

I sat in the armchair across from him an furrowed my eyebrows. "I know what your doing and since you've basically moved out already, I want my key back." I stated staying calm and keeping my cool when I was actually falling apart inside.

He dropped the keys in my palm. "I'm sorry Katrina I just was afraid to tell you I found my ma- new girlfriend." He said hanging his head.

"I don't want you here when I get back!" I walked out of my apartment, I knew exactly where I was going. I got into my shít brick of a car and just started driving. I was en route to a quaint little café that is hidden in the forest. I found this place when I ran away at sixteen, I had been living in a tree house when I came here and that café was a little piece of heaven.

The café had a homely feel, I ran inside and went to my usual booth. I knew I was safe here, I let everything out. Dámn Nate, dámn you. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you, he left me like every single other person has. Everyone except Jen. I fiddled with my hands and realised that the make-up had smudged around the scar, the tears filled my eyes again. I pulled my sleeve over the mark and took my phone out of my pocket. I call Jen she was the one person that I new would listen and take me in.

"Hey Kit Kat how've you been?" Jenny said still sounding as perky as she'd always been.

"I need you to come to the café in the woods, or I'm going to call him." I just managed to choke that out before I hung up.

I took out my notepad and a pen. Just like I do after every single break up, I draw myself in a dress and draw another one of myself in a suit next to me because right now I'm my own soul mate.

I sat there fidgeting I wanted to call him and as always I give in to myself. I plucked out my phone and scrolled through my contacts I went all the way from a to z but I just couldn't find his contact. I searched my brain for his number but it just wasn't there.

Jenny walked through the door smiling at me and then walks up to the till. She comes over with two cups and some muffins. I smile at her and take and blueberry muffin.

"So... Why did you decide to fúcking give me a heart-attack?" She snapped, giving me a guilty feeling. "I knew you couldn't call Mark but still you scared me," she looked at me her eyes full of pity.

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