Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

I fidgeted in my seat, "Kai just tell me." I knew my voice sounded whiney but I needed to know where we were going.

Kai was smiling looking straight ahead, he was silently laughing and it was pissing me off.

"Come on Kai, I hate surprises. Why wont you tell me?" I stomped my foot, or at least I attempted to.

"I'm sorry Kat but this date is strictly confidential." I began to tap the stirring wheel and that just added to my levels of annoyance. "I know you're going to love it, I got it all out of Jennifer."

I gulped at the mention of her name, I hadn't talked to her since our big blow out. "Well what did she say?" Maybe he'll accidentally let the date slip, I crossed my fingers.

He gave me an incredulous look, "Kat I'm not that stupid. I wont let it slip but we're almost there." He still wore a breathtaking smile but I had no time for his gorgeous face.

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed, "can you turn on the radio? If you're not going to tell me I'm not going to talk to you."

He turned on the radio still chuckling. I smiled as Dickhead by Kate Nash blared out from the speakers. It was the perfect song for him. He promptly changed the station and just his luck Platypus by Green Day was playing. What put the cherry on the cake was that the station tuner was jammed and he could change it. So I shout-sang the words right to him and it made me feel a little bit better. Soon a softer song began to play and I relaxed back in the seat.

The car ride seemed to go on forever, but eventually we pulled up to a quaint, little restaurant. I perked up then. We were finally here, the date was about to begin.

"Now mi'lady, would like to start our amazing first date?" I got out of the car and before I knew it my car was open, Kai held his hand out for me to hold as I got out of the car.

I sat there staring at his hand and I placed I thoughtful finger on my chin. "hmmm... I don't know I'm pretty tired after that long, long car journey." I yawned to add more dramatic flair.

Suddenly a mischievous grin appeared on his face, "well then I guess I'm just going to have to carry you in." Before I knew it Kai had scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I was so shocked that I didn't even have time to react, he walked into the restaurant with me slung over his shoulder.

I was plonked onto a plush, comfortable seat. I pushed the hair back off my face and shot my best glare his way but he just looked back at me with a dazzling, toothy smile. He made it so hard to be angry at him.

I took a moment to realise where we were, then it hit me. "How did you know to take me here?" Honestly I was a little thrown, this was my favourite restaurant when I had first moved here. It was also where I got my first job.

"I told you, Jennifer told me everything that I needed to know." He leaned back in the seat across from me. "I also took the liberty of ordering for you so our food should be coming along soon."

I gave him a flat look, "what did you order me?" I was little bit rattled, "you're not coming off great tonight bud, first you give a surprise and then you order my food for me." I shook my head slowly, "did Jen not tell you about my feelings towards food?"

"Oh, she did." He chuckled, "she also told me to order you mild chicken wings and onion rings for starters, an all meat pizza for the main and last but not least the chocolate brick for dessert." He raised an inquisitive eyebrow, "isn't that what you order here?"

I felt redness raise from my neck, not going to lie I was a bit embarrassed. he got it exactly right and the wings were tricky. "Okay so you've made one mistake tonight, I take back the food comment."

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