Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

I swallowed the mercury that was slowly filling my mouth, of course it would happen while I was naked in my living room. I couldn't even enjoy what had just happened, instead someone was dying I was going to hear it.

It didn't feel like it usually felt, I was fighting it. I felt stronger than before, the voice was quiet not as loud as they had been, still there but almost gone. I walked slowly back in the room, it felt like I had a nasty head ache. Kai was awake now concern painted on his face, I slid back into the bed beside him.

"My banshee-ness is back." I smiled softly to avoid him being too concerned, "it's better now and I think its's because we mated."

"You're drawing from my strength, it's one of the benefits of mating." I leaned on his side giving me a full view of him.

I had to fight myself to keep my eyes level with his, out of the corner of my eye I could see him. He made no attempts to cover himself up, neither did I but Kai clearly had no problems with taking me in.

I shifted to get more comfortable, I couldn't help feeling arousal but I didn't have enough energy to go for round to but by the look in Kai's eyes I could tell he was ready.

"Kat, I suggest that you cover up." Hunger was beginning to fill his eyes, "my wolf is taking control. I'm going to ravish you again if you don't get out of my way."

I hopped out of the bed grabbing my robe and tying it around my waist, I'm not going to lie, hearing him order me to get away from him pissed me off a little. I walked back into the livingroom still feeling a bit annoyed.

It was the middle of the night and as my annoyance grew so did the voices in my head. I lay down on my couch buring my head in the pillows. The voice sounded in so much pain, I could feel it. I know it's bad of me to hope the person would die soon but I really did.

Mercury was spilling from my mouth, and the voice was raging now. But I was managing to keep in relatively under control. I wanted Kai but at the same time I didn't want to talk to him.

I was pissed that he couldn't control himself, and also that I couldn't enjoy the feeling that lingured. I swifly moved to the bathroom and puked up the mercury that was building, it burned my throat and my eyes stang with the metallic liquid that was clouding my vision.

I felt alone despite the fact that I had felt so alive and whole ony moments ago. Why couldn't Kai just suck up how he felt and comfort me when I needed him. I could hear him trudging around our apartment, not checking on me. I felt very bitter right now and the more I thought of it the worse the pain in my head got.

I could make out the persons voice, it was getting louder and clearer. It didn't sound male or female, it didn't even sound human.

Black spots clouded my vision, just as my vision completely faded I heard it as clear as day.

"We've found you, did you think you could hide forever?"


I sprang from my sleep almost whacking heads with Kai. I was back on my bed Kai peering over me. I had a weird feeling though, something was off. The feeling of my sheets beneath me felt slightly different than before and there was something weird in they way Kai was looking at me.

I backed away slowly, Kai's face slid into a slight smirk. That couldn't be him, Kai would be concerned. Panic rose within me, if that wasn't Kai then who was that infront of me.

"Get away from me, what the fuck are you?" I used my foot to separate us, what ever it was it wasn't fighting against me. "Where am I?"

The thing laughed at me, it was weird. He looked almost identical to Kai but it wasn't him.

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