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~ 6 months later ~

I woke up ready to feel different but I really didn't, sure I wasn't craving blood anymore but that seemed to have made my food cravings sky rocket. I was eating so much that I was starting to notice a food baby forming.

I thought I was pregnant but I shook it off, vampires can't get pregnant. I've died so many times, I can't be pregnant.

Maybe it's the time of the year I mean it's coming up to Christmas, yes I know it's the beginning of November but it's never too early. I tend to gain my winter pounds around now but it all seems to fast. Why is this happening to me?

I was patiently sitting on the couch trying to ignore my craving for pot noodles and spaghetti hoops, I had to stop thinking about them but I was so damn hungry all the time.

I heard a click clacking of heels against tiles and I knew it could only be one person. Clarista.

Instead of dealing with what happened to her she shut everything out. They brutalised her but if you ask about it she acts as if she doesn't know a thing. I'm honestly very worried about her, she needs to talk to us or just someone.

She entered the room a fresh face of make up on and high heels that have her towering over me. She looked like an amazon from another planet, unusually beautiful.

She stared at me furrowed eyebrows in place. "Kat why haven't you told me your news?"

She sounded angry yet also excited. 

"I don't know what you're taking about Clarista honestly," I shook my head at her. "I have zero news and since Kai has been off working for the last two weeks nothing remotely interesting has happened."

She quirked her eyebrow at me, "something interesting is about to pop up trust me." She then sauntered off leaving me in a state of confusion.

I missed Kai, more than I thought possible. He said he would only be gone for two or three days but in total it's been sixteen days. I needed him to be beside me, I needed his closeness. 

The door opening brought me from my thoughts, Kai. I jumped off the couch and was in the hall way in a flash but my heart sank. It wasn't Kai just Jen.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy to Jen I just would have rather her be my hunk of a mate. I smiled as best as I could but the void I felt in my heart would be empty until Kai was back in my life.

Jen came in, her face beaming. She engulfed me into a giant hug.

"Clarista just told me your news I'm so happy for you." She pulled back her hands still on my shoulders but a scowl was placed on her features, "why did you tell her before me? Does Kai know? I should have known, you did gain a bit of weight over the last month."

Now the scowl had migrated to my face, "what on Earth are you talking about Jen? Nothing has happened Clarista is acting off her head. I know I've gained weight it's just winter weight no need to mention it."

A small smile appeared on her face, "okay. Yeah, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." She put the shopping bags that she had on the table, "I just came to drop these off, Kai called James and asked for some groceries to be dropped by. I think Kai should be home soon. I'll leave you two be, call me later!" And with that she walked off leaving me by myself yet again.

I put away the groceries, nothing of note really just food. I was desperately trying to pass the time as I waited for Kai to come home. I want him home, I don't think I ever wanted someone to be close to me other than him. He has completely consumed my thoughts and really I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I sat in the living room wrapped in blankets watching The Santa Clause, possibly the worst Christmas movie I've seen but I love it. Right at the end of the movie I heard the phone ring, I picked it up and Jen was on the other side.

"KIT KAT! I have amazing news!" I held the phone away from my ear dear god that girl can scream.

"What happened?" 

"I'm pregnant, I finally got pregnant again." There was a hint of sadness in her voice but also joy. "I'm so excited and I would love if you would be the Godmother." 

I became stuck in shock, my best friend is pregnant and wants me to be a prominent part of her child's life. I was stunned.

"Shit, it's okay Kat. You don't have to do it." She sounded sad but of course I want to be their Godparent.

"Jen I would be honoured, I'm just surprised you would ask me." I couldn't fight the smile that was covering my face.

I heard her sigh in relief, "thank God. I had no other option other than you."

We talked for few more minutes just about nothing really, she thinks Kai is going to pop the question soon. Personally I don't feel like he will, marriage isn't normal in the werewolf community. I would love to get married but I feel like he doesn't want to and I don't want to force him into anything.

"Sorry Kat but I have to go, James is taking me out for a celebratory dinner." Before I could say bye she hung up.

I was back in my silence again and a wave of nausea hit me, I ran to the bathroom and the contents of my stomach just evacuated. Ugh, I feel terrible. I need Kai, like I really need him.

I walked through the house tears flowing down my face. I cried as I made some toast and I cried while eating it. Emotion was flowing through my whole being, these mood swings were killing me.

My nose is so stuffed that I can barely smell anything and my sobs are so loud that I could barely hear the tv that was blaring in front of me. I was wallowing in my own pity and having a complete breakdown. But through my blurry vision I noticed the tv screen go blank and my crying halted someone was here.

I looked behind me and I choked down another sob, Kai stood staring at me with an odd expression on his face.

I wiped the tears off my face, "you're home. Finally."

A smile lit up his face and he captured me in a hug. His lips grazed my forehead, "you should have called me Kat. Why didn't you tell me?"

"What do you mean?" I looked up at his confused face, "everyone has been asking me about that today."

His eyebrows furrowed, "Kat do you seriously not know. I can smell it all over you." He placed his hand on my stomach, "you're pregnant."

I backed from him falling back onto the couch, "what do you mean?" I looked down at my growing stomach, "I'm a vampire there's no way I could be pregnant. It must be a false scent or something."

He shook his head at me smiling, "you can take a test but I can already tell for certain that you're pregnant."

I felt and overwhelming joy there was no point denying it now. "I can't believe it, we're having a baby."

Kai looked uncomfortable his hand was rubbing the back of his head, "I guess this might seem slightly forced now but Kat while I was away I was thinking about us. About us becoming more official."

I held my breath, I know what's coming next.

He reached into his pocket and produced the ring, "Katrina will you make me the happiest man on earth? Will you marry me."

I lunged towards him planting a kiss on his lips, "yes. Fuck, yes."

Hello all!

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry I've been M.I.A. I've been quite busy you know having my first kiss, turning 18 and getting absolutely plastered. I'm in sixth year right now so uploads will be scarce probably one every couple of months if even. Thanks so much for reading this mess of a story.

Love, Anna

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