Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

When I woke up I could feel pleasant tingles run up my arm and I could hear familiar beeping. I opened my eyes and I only saw the plain white ceiling of the room. The bed was hard but it was much better than what I had dealt with before.

I looked over at the familiar figure, Kai and my heart fluttered. I reached my hand up and without thinking I brushed my fingers through his hair. He looked tired and I wanted to make him feel better.

I still didn't quite understand my feelings for him but I knew that I couldn't ignore them, I had to give in to them a little.

"Kai, I'm so sorry." I felt tears rush to me eyes. I shouldn't have left him, that was an awful choice that I'm just going to have to live with.

His head snapped up and he gave me such a sad look, it broke my heart. "You have nothing to be sorry for, you're here now and this time I know you won't leave me." He held my hand tightly igniting the sparks even more.

"Kai why do you still want me, I've been such an asshole. I never gave you chance." I sat up straighter in an effort to get closer to him but my body was so sore. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave me." I hoped he wouldn't because it would leave my heart shattered.

His eyes bore into mine and tears were running down his face. "Kat I've been through hell and back to get you. I will never give you up and this time you know the consequences of leaving me." He moved so that there was more distance between us. "But we need to take our time. You need to earn my trust, I gave it to you way too soon."

"I understand Kai and I'm going to show you," I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumbs over them. "I don't ever want to leave you again but you're right we need to take our time. I need to figure what I'm going to do." I gave him a look of concern, "I don't want to lose control and hurt you. I need your help you're the only person that can help."

"Kat I can help you but the only way to fully control your powers is if I mark you and I can't do that." He removed himself further away from me, "When the doctor gives you the all clear then we can go home and sort all of this out."

I felt cold without his touch and alone, this must be how he felt when I left him twice. Oh god I'm such a tool. I had put him through pain and now I wanted him. He must feel like I'm just using him. With a heavy heart I nodded at him, I wanted to go home and I felt fine.

I pressed the nurse call button and we waited in an uncomfortable silence. He harboured some hate for me and I deserved it. The doctor came in followed by a timid looking nurse, a look of guilt passed on Kai's face when he saw her. I wonder what that was all about. Kai shifted uncomfortably in his seat as she came closer. That peaked my interest even more.

She reached over to take the IV from my hand, the minute she touched me it was as if she blasted me with all of her memories. And I couldn't believe what I saw, I couldn't stop the tears that were now streaming down my face.

I saw Kai with her, being intimate. My heart felt deflated and it had been shattered into a million pieces. I would never be able to repair it after this blow.

I turned to give him a quick look through the tears that were clouding my vision, "why?" My head was now in hands and I just couldn't look at him anymore.

"I'm sorry Kat but I thought you were gone for good, I needed to let of some steam and you weren't there." He sounded sad but his message just ignited anger inside me.

"What? You needed to let of steam?" I was fuming and my tear filled eyes had transformed into a glare. "When I need to let of steam I brake fucking plates not have sex with random people."

Katrina (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora