Chapter 45:life sucks

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Alex could safely say after the first week since the massacre she couldn't be more annoyed. The second week she started sneaking out ,by the third week she picked up weed again wanting anything to do to get her mind off of her neglectful Mayes and many guards stationed at her door on a daily bases.

She felt trapped and alone . He mates didn't visit her a lot choosing to do trials and search for the vampire that threatened her.she didn't even eat in the thrown room a human was brought to her or even just a glass of blood.  This was not how she pictured her life to be. She proved she could take care of herself yet they still didn't trust her.

Glancing out the window she couldn't help to smile when a cat was walking on the railing "Ghost" she picked her up and cuddled her to her chest not caring about the smell she emitted now"where have you been girl.I have missed you" she added on bringing the feline into her room

"What is that smell" Heidi walked into the room glaring slightly at the cat Alex held in her arms"the kings won't be happy at that being here"

Alex scoffed at that"they barely visit me anyways and ghost is going nowhere so get use to it" she snapped "now what do you want"

Heidi nodded and held up a glass of blood"feeding time"

Alex couldn't help but scowl at the cup."I feel like I'm being starved " she mumbled grabbing the cup and gulping it down.

"The kings also request you to meet them in the thrown room" Heidi added when she finished.

Alex simply nodded before using her shadows to teleport into the room. She was kind of surprised to only see the kings and no guards"what do you want" she all but snapped glaring at them

The watched the kings glance at one another nervously before Aro stood up " we have decided for your safety to send you to the cullens for a little bit"

"I'm fine here ,I'm not going" Alex felt betrayed. She finally let them all in and now they were sending her away

"It's already been decided.your stuff is being packed as we speak and your leaving tonight" Cauis snapped  knowing of the argument that is soon to unfold.

Alex for once didn't have anything to say back and looked away.she was more hurt than angry at the moment. " ignore me for week and now this fuck you Cauis."she yelled storming out of the room. She went straight to her room and just like they said there were guards packing her things.

Ignoring them she picked up Ghost and sat down in the corner and watched them tears eyed. She felt as if she was being abandoned again, being treated as weak also. Two things she hated as well as liars. Once the guards were done they left without a single word. Many sent looks of sympathy yet she didn't care.

Night came all too quickly for her liking and she was boarding a plane. She didn't even spare the kings a glance as she cuddled with Ghost knowing it would hurt their feeling and that was her aim.

Buckleing up she let her mind wander. The thought about her siblings and about how they were doing without her around for the moment. How she first met her kings and fought them every step of the way. And finally how she was being sent away to keep her 'safe' when she knew she could handle everything by herself. Right now life was not on her said and she couldn't help but think it was all her karma coming back to bite her in the ass. She knew she won't nicest person and could be a pain in the ass but this was to much. She hated it

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