Chapter 32: Weak!?!

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The field was quiet as everyone stared at the only human. Many in confusion but the Volturi and Cullens knew she was was. No one really wanted to break the silence for no one knew exactly what to say.

"That's all you have to say Monelle. You left. Abandoned us and now show up helping the very covern you hate" Caius voiced cut through the silence quickly. He was furious.

"Peace brother,remember she thought us to be married" Marcus the peacekeeper states not letting his eyes stray away from Alex

"Come amore mio " Aro held his hand out to Alex in delight to have her back that quickly vanished when she shook her head no.

"After you listen to Alice "She says catching the opposing vampires off guard and those who were picked up by the Volturi to witness against the Cullens. "Only then will I listen to what you have to say"

"You seem to forget,your ours. Your coming regardless of what we do" Caius took a threatening step towards Alex stopping only when Aro held out his hand.

"Speak quickly Alice" Aro usual creepy smile was gone. His upbeat and childish attitude long gone. The guards were tense also. They all wanted their queen safely by their side. Not by the Cullens or this unknown vampire's side

"This is my whiteness Nahuel from a tribe in South America "Alice motioned towards the hybrid who stepped up to speak.

"I am like the child. A vampire seduced my mother and she died giving birth. My Aunt Huilen raised me and then I turned her Immortal not long after" He spoke clearly oozing confident and that was something Alex could respect

"How old are you" Bella was quick to intervene glancing at her child that Alex now just noticed. The innocence the child held made her think back to her own childhood. She couldnt remember a time when she was this innocent. Recieving a sympathetic look from Edward she glared. 'Get out of my head' she snapped knowing he would hear her

"I am one hundred and fifty years old"

"When did you reach maturity" Aro questioned focused solely on the male

"I became fully grown after seven years and have not changed since"

"And you diet"

"Blood,food I can survive on either "

"This child is much like us" Marcus mumbled watching Nahuel in deep wonder.

Aro smile came back almost instantly as he turned to face his subject. "We shall not fight today" He announced before holding his hand out to Alex who recluctly took it. He looked into her memories. Seeing her steal,fight and the vampire that constantly watched over her as a brother

"Noah" he mumbled before smiling at Alex. "It is time to go my dear.

"Can I talk with them first" She asked recieving a glare from Caius who wanted nothing more then to throw her over his shoulder and lock her up in the castle.

"Be quick amore mio " Aro released her hesitation clear before she sprinted off towards the Cullens. Everyone watched her with unease. They all knew now that she was the kings mate

"Thank you Alex" Bella smiled at her

"Didnt do it for you. I did it for her" She nodded her head towards the child that stared at her in wander. She bent down to her height and smiled, a true smile instead of a fake one she used many time.

Without warning she touched Alex face sending her into her memories it amazed her on what she could do and before she knew it she was holding the childs hand. She called to she shadows and when she removed her hand a small Shadow like figure stood in her hand.

Everyone watched in awe as the human showed her gift and even more so when the shadow moved around and danced causing the child to laugh before it disappeared.

Alex stood up and turned to leave. She felt it before it happened. Two shadows moved quickly towards her. Thinking quickly she pulled she shadows in front of her. A bigger shadow figure stood protecting her from the two vampires that wished her harm.

"Stefan and Vladimir dont do it" Edward warned already hearing the growls coming from the Volturi that watched the ordeal. They were ready to strike and protect their queen no matter the cost

What surprised everyone though was that Alex did not flinch nor waver in her glare or way to protect herself. It was obvious to the Volturi that she had practice but how much,they didnt know. "You should listen to Edward. It wont end well for you" she snapped making two more shadow figures that was a little smaller considering there wont many shadows in the field other then everyone's own individual shadow

"Your human what can you possibly d-"

Before Stephan could even finish his sentence a shadow appeared in front of him. It did nothing but stand there catching him off guard."I'm not a defenseless human" she glanced Bella's way earning a glare.

"I have had time to think and want to say thank you to the Cullens. Yes you took me in only because of Alice vision and used me like a bunch of assholes" she says putting her hands on her waist. "But you still took care of me when needed most."

"All forgiven " Emment smiled widely moving to give her a hug

"Not even close" with that she turned and made her way back to her mates. She knew she was going to get an earful once she returned.

It was strange that her main concern was if they were gonna let her keep Ghost or not. She didnt care about the lecture or the fact she was going to be locked up. Ghost was her world and she hoped she could stick around. That thought was quickly put to the back of her mind when she saw the glares on her mates. Even Marcus had a small glare and that's what threw her off. Aro picked her up bridal style before everything became a haze and they were off

Alex had some practice with her powers it seems. Vote and comment.
I'm thinking of making another twilight book but don't know who I should make it about.

TroubleMaker (Twilight) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now