Chapter 1: Life?

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything but certain plots and my oc. None of pictures are mine but my be edited a little bit. All credit is given to the rightful owners

Growing up Alex didn't have parents to teach her that stealing was wrong or that a 'young lady' shouldn't cuss and fight on a daily basis. She grew up in Las Vegas where she taught herself how to survive to see another day.

Alex had stolen and fought her whole life leading up to her sixteenth birthday. Alex was barely ever caught by the authorities but when she did they sent her to the juvenile detention where she had to fight even more to live.

Last week Alex was caught again but this time it was different. She was once again betrayed by those she let in. Abandon and left to fend for herself against the police. There was no shadows to hide in or use to teleport. They knew just how to trap her so the cops could swoop in and pick her up easily. Alex couldn't even fake innocence because she was known. Known as a thief and a liar. She is what they'd call a delinquent while others thought of her as a criminal.

This time they didn't send her to juvenile detention instead they sent her across the world to a small town called forks. The kind where everyone knew everyone. She guessed  the cops thought it would be easier to ship off one of their problems to others for them to solve and help her, a child in need. It wasn't like she would have accepted it anyways. She was a loner and she didn't believe in help or friends. Her so called 'friends' from los Vegas made sure of that.

Now here she is residing in a run down orphanage that barely housed any other kids. The kids that lived here kept their distance from her after they were so kindly warned that she was a 'dangerous' criminal. A criminal maybe but dangerous? she highly doubted it. She only fought when needed. She was no bully but she didn't mind. No one would try to befriend her anytime soon and she could be left to her own devices.

No bonds to hold her down and no one to protect. Just like she wanted it to be. Alex didn't need anyone in her life for any reason unless they were rich and even then she only wanted their money in the long run.

Even now as she looked outside her window, she could only think about how she was going to run away and how much money she would need to get a ride out of this sorry town. It was raining as usual and it just made her whole mood deflate. She always hated the rain for not many people traveled out in such weather.

Less people meant less people to pick-pocket, which meant less money, which meant less food and clothes for her.

Even now she didn't have many items nor did she trust the head mistress to provide for her needs. She hated her and she despised Alex to the bone. She understood why though. She did steal her wallet the first day they met. By the time she noticed it was gone her money was already hidden.

The lady obviously had a short fuse because now she was sending Alex to school tomorrow. She had never really been to school before so she didn't know what to expect and so she was forced to take a placement test which surprised everyone. The test said Alex was smart enough to skip all the way to her senior year and she was fine with it,even though they thought she would score lower cause she never stepped foot in a school. It meant less schooling, not that she was going to stick around long enough to graduate.

Alex couldn't stay, it would go against her rules to survive.

Rule number one; look out for number one.

Rule number two; trust no one

Rule number three; Stay on the move

Rule number four; distant yourself from others

She is Alex Kay Harper, a survivor in this fucked world people call earth.

A/N I hope you like it. vote and comment. Above is Alex

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