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"Left or right?" asked Rory, sitting in front of her computer, squinting her eyes, her legs propped up onto Kol's lap.

Kol tilted his head to the side, contemplating his options, maybe a bit longer than he should for such a simple question before looking at Rory, "Left," the girl nodded her head and looked back at the screen, pressing that option.

Things were going, alright. After the scare that happened with Esther, things were a little tense. Well, a lot tense. But they all made it through together. Rory successfully slept two days which had scared Kol half to death, which is truly saying something, considering he is already dead.

The two were sitting in Rory's room, contently basking in the sun provided by her slightly ajar windows, pouring in a light mid-winter breeze. The Salvatore witch had just previously yelled at Kol solely for the purpose that he had made fun of a particularly strange looking plant in her room.

"And... which do you prefer, dusk or dawn?" Rory questioned again.

Kol turned his head slightly to look out the window, his gaze wandering over the cloudy horizon, admiring the beauty of nature itself, from the blues to the browns, before he turned back to where he was now looking back at Rory.

"Dawn. I prefer to stay up at night."

Rory nodded her head once more, before looking back at her computer.

A momentary pause of silence passed through the room, the only sound heard, being the typing of the computer's keys.

"And finally--" said Rory, looking over at Kol-- "What's your favorite color?"

Kol paused, as he did for every other question, this time he thought a lot harder. I know, shocker. Of all the questions he had gotten asked, Kol just had to of gotten stuck on the one asking about something as simple as a color. He had just ever gotten asked that before.

"Well," Kol responded, his tongue lolling inside his cheek as he bit back a smile, "What's your favorite color?"

Rory squinted her eyes in on him, "Wha- that doesn't matter. Tell me what your favorite color i-"

"Absolutely not," said Kol, putting a hand out to stop her, "I refuse to answer any further questioning until you, Miss Aurora, tell me what your favorite color is."

Rory let out a small groan as she fell backwards, her head hitting the pillows. But then, she sat back up, her hair slightly messier than it was before, making Kol smile even wider, "Oh, I don't even know, Kol-- maybe... purple?"

"Then purple."


"You asked me my favorite color."

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬, kmWhere stories live. Discover now