Chapter 14

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"No Mr Bananas, if a certain someone wants to apologise then they can come and apologise to me." I said to Mr Bananas knowing for a fact that Elijah was stood in the doorway behind me listening to my very private conversation.

I didn't bother turning around to speak to him, or give him his usual good morning cuddle, he won't be getting one till he apologises. That goes for all three of them.

"Honey, you need to eat breakfast." He said as he walked closer and crouched down next to me.

I didn't even bother glancing in his direction and carried on making my best friends friendship bracelets.

Bella, Candace, Holly and I all have a special friendship bracelet, and now Noah and Kade are apart of our group so they need one too so they don't feel left out.

As I was lost in my own world creating this beautiful masterpiece, I was immediately lifted off of the ground making me drop all my hard work. Spilling all the beads on the floor.


Angry tears filling my eyes ready to start falling.

"Everly you need need to stop being so childish and stop ignoring me." He said as he sat me down on a chair and knelt down in front of me.

"Well, it's kind of hard when I'm an actual child." I said as I wiped my tears that wouldn't stop pouring out of my eyes. Was there broken leak in my eyes or something?

"Ev, baby, please calm down." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as tight as he could without crushing me.

"NO! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SAID NO SECRETS AND LIED ABOUT WHERE THE THREE OF YOU WERE ALL DAY!" I shouted as I tried getting out of his tight grip.

"Elijah! What the hell are you doing!?" I hear Aiden's voice yell with another two pair of footsteps running in this direction.

I didn't need to check who it was because it was obviously the other two but even if I wanted I couldn't see because my vision was all blurred because of all the crying.

I carried on screaming and thrashing around till I felt my throat close up. What? Why did this feel so familiar? I suddenly kicked him in the no no area immediately making him let go of me and fall.

Without wasting another second I leaped off of the chair and ran into the dining room and hid under the table hugging my knees close and hiding my head in between my legs trying to catch my breath.

Why on earth did that feel so familiar?

I closed my eyes and saw wide, angry, green eyes, almost identical to my own, staring right at me making me scream. I let out a huge cough and tried to breathe but my throat felt so tight, as if I was being strangled.

"Hey baby girl, it's me Aiden. Come here." He said softly as he crawled under the table with me.

Shakily, I crawled towards him and cuddled up as close as I  possible could trying to completely hide myself.

"You need to breath for me okay?" He said softly as he rocked me back and forth.

I hadn't even realised we were out from underneath the dining table and in the living room.

Nodding my head, I tired opening my mouth to breathe but let out a huge cough instead as he rubbed my back.

"Okay, count with me okay?" He said softly as he began counting.

"1...." He said slowly, waiting for me to copy him.

".....1....." I said shakily as I took a breath and let it out.

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