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"get up" Daphne shoved blood into my mouth and I began coughing.

"am I in hell?" I squinted as I she pulled me out of the casket I had been laying in.

"so this is where you've been for the past 5 centuries?" Daphne asked, " desiccated in some filthy old coffin!!"

I snatched the blood bag from her hands and began drinking from it, taking a moment before answering her question.

"I am literally immortal, 500 years in a casket is like a nap to me" I told her, "besides, what does it matter to you?"

"you can't just run away from all the bumps in your life" Daphne stated.

I rolled my eyes, "so watching my father die an excruciatingly painful death was just a bump in my life?"

"come on Valencia, the second it happened you flipped your switch, and right when I got you back, this is what you do?? lie in a casket to take a 'nap'?!!" Daphne was hysterical.

"Okay. well i'm up now, happy?"

"I do have one last thing to say.."

I stared at her.

"It has been rumored that the walls of Hogwarts keeps a very precious item- the cure to vampirism, I need you to get it for me." Daphne said.

My eyes widened, "I am not letting you take that cure! Are you serious? I cant los-"

"no" she interrupted, "someone is after me, a vampire much more powerful. I need the cure so I can force it into them"

I sighed of relief, "oh okay, well where is it in this Hogwarts place you speak of?"

"I need you to find it"


I'm joining 5th year at Hogwarts. I'm sure I could pass for a 15 year old, and having an extra year at this school would give me more time to find the bloody cure. I doubt I will take a whole year finding it though.

"Everyone, please welcome our new student Valencia Black, who will be joining the 5th years" Dumbledore announced, I sat on the stool as the hat was placed on my head.

This is supposed to read my mind? Oh god.

"You've got quiet the old soul don't you" the hat said, "a survivor" hilarious

I said nothing, just staring ahead of me avoiding the gazes of many students.

"this ones pretty clear. SLYTHERIN!"

what the hell is a slither in?

I got up away from the hat and approached the slytherin table. Some were cheering me on, some were glaring, and one boy in particular was eyeing me, not in a very good way.

A platinum blonde haired boy squinted his eyes  at me intimidatingly, almost like he was trying to read me.

Nothing about a boy scares me though.

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