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Time passed. Weeks.

Draco and I had traveled a lot. From Scotland, to England, to Ireland.

I don't know why we are even sticking together but we both want the same thing and kissing him isn't so bad.

"dammit" I mumbled, staring at my ripped up clothes.

"You're so fucking stupid for provoking that guy yesterday" Draco commented, his clothes ripped up as-well.

"Pity" I sarcastically said, "if only I had allergies maybe I could sense that werewolf"

I took my shirt off, and observed myself in the mirror for any werewolf bites. Surely if I had gotten bitten I would have already gone delirious.

Draco was changing into a suit, I honestly don't understand his need to dress so formal all the time. But it's not my problem.

I put on a new outfit and turned to Draco.

"Perhaps we should start off today with room service" A devilish smile displayed on my lips and Draco smirked back.

He picked up the telephone and ordered something random to be brought up.

We were staying at a hotel if you haven't caught on yet. Anyways, a few minutes later to hotel employees entered the room with carts of food, but that's not what we were hungry for.

I shut the door with telekinesis and locked it. The two people looked at it, and back at us in horror.

Draco immediately sped over to one of them, and began feeding on their blood.

The other person looked mortified, but I quickly went to them, biting into their skin.

Moment later their body dropped to the floor, and I took a deep breath savoring the moment.

I turned to Draco, still feeding off the clearly dead person.

"sharing is caring" I said to him, pulling him away and kissing him. I tasted the blood off his lips as we kissed, and soon the blood was completely gone.

We pulled apart, acting as if nothing happened.

"Where could they be?" Blaise asked, walking next to Everly with the trio not far behind.

"My guess is they left far away, but i'm not sure where"  She answered.

"Use a locator spell" Hermione suggested.

"You're right.." Everly ran to the common room, the others following behind.

The vision stopped. And I looked at Draco, "they're looking for us"

"Let them find us" he simply answered, "we can kill them"


"Ireland?!" Ron gasped, looking at the map.

"Well" Everly leaned back on her chair, "guess we will be taking a trip"

"okay..." blaise paused, "so how do we get there?"

Everly got up from the chair, and walked to the group.

"everyone hold hands" she ordered, "i'll apparate us"

They all linked hands, moments later disappearing from Hogwarts, and reappearing outside a hotel in Ireland.

There were police cars and caution tape all over.

"they must have been here" Hermione claims.

"but where could they be now?" Harry asked.

"Hey!" A man ran over to them, "I have a message for you all"

The group turned to the mystery man and waited for his next words.

"St Johnson's Pub" was all he said, before running into the road and getting ran over. His blood splattered everyone and people gasped.

"he was compelled" Everly stated, "we need to get to that pub"

Hermione raised her hand at an incoming Taxi and it stopped in front of them.

"Can you bring us to St Johnsons Pub please" she asked the driver.

"Hop in!" he said in a strong irish accent, "you people british?"

"yes sir" Ron answered politely.


"after the short talk, he's going to drive them off the cliff by the beach. He will die but i'm sure those heroes will find a way to survive" I explained.

"and then they find us here" Draco finished.

I nodded, "exactly, the first guy was just to make them believe they would make it to us easily"

"I'm not letting them get to us without a bumpy ride" I added, smiling devilishly.


"how far away are we?" Harry asked the driver. He didn't answer, but instead kept driving.

"Hello?" Hermione now spoke, annoyed at the man for ignoring Harry.

"wait a minute" Everly's eyes widened, "this is a trap"

The car swerved and flew off the cliffs edge.

Everyone was screaming and Everly closed her eyes and began chanting a spell.

The car stopped falling, and was now floating in the air.

"People will see this! We can't be using magic outside of school grounds, especially not in-front of muggles!!" Hermione said.

"if you want to die that bad Hermione i'll gladly push you out of the car" Everly snapped. The car slowly floated down to the beach and and they all rushed out of the car.

"forget this happened" Everly compelled the driver.

Right after that, she sat down a bit breathlessly.

"well what are you waiting for?" Ron asked in annoyance.

"shut up red bed head" Blaise snapped, "why don't you hold a car full of people in the air with your mind?"

Ron's eyes widened.

"Come on Ron. DO IT!" Blaise continued.

Harry stood in front of Ron and glared at Blaise.

"we aren't here to argue so quit it"

Everly slowly stood up, taking a deep breath.

"Let's go, they should be close"

"We don't even have a plan" Ron complained, "I mean come on they are both happy let's just leave them!"

"he's right you know" Hermione commented, "I don't agree with leaving them be though, they are a danger to well.. everyone but.."

"go on" Everly sighed as they walked.

"we need to find out what their emotional triggers are, it won't work if we just find them and wing it!" Hermione finished.

"I just-" Everly paused, "I don't know Valencia well enough to know what gets her emotional. I knew about Daphne but that's it."

"And what about you Blaise, how well do you know Draco?" Harry questioned

Blaise shrugs carelessly and mumbles "I dunno"

They all stay silent and keep walking to who knows where. Everything seems to become a bit darker and now grey clouds are covering the sky.

"Looks like it's about to rain" Everly says, "great."

Im having writers block sorry for how long it took for this

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