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Draco groaned, hitting the ground roughly. He stared down below him, noticing the mud, the broken tree branches, the fallen leaves, and the dead grass.

He looked up, and saw the long and tall trees, the leaves gently rusting from the wind. This wasn't so bad?

Draco stood up, brushing the dirt off his shirt as he mentally questioned if he came to the right place.

There's no way this is hell. It's a forest! A normal bloody forest!!

He sighed, and tried to apparate. Nothing happened. Maybe Valencia's magic faded he thought.

"well this is bloody brilliant" He complained to himself, beginning to walk through the forest to find a way out.

Just as he thought he found the exit, he realized that he managed to walk back all the way to where he first was.

A faded sound of the leaves crunching caught Draco's ear, and it slowly got louder. And closer.

His head snapped in the direction he was hearing the sound. The closer it got, the more anxious he grew.

What he assumed to be footsteps stopped, and a loud screech echoed in the forest. Draco let out a breath just when he thought everything was okay. It must have been an animal.

A corpse suddenly was thrown out of the trees, hitting the ground aggressively. Dracos eyes widened, he not only just watched a dead man get thrown out of somewhere in the trees, but the man also had a huge thick tree branch pierced right through his stomach.

Was there a vampire hunter in the forest? Or did it just happen to be this man got attacked by someone using the materials around them; the trees!

Footsteps abnormally fast sprinted closer to where Draco was standing, and he quickly sped behind a large pile of bushes and broken tree branches.

A girl with frizzy and messy hair came out from the trees panting. She fell to her knees and hit the ground with her hands, quickly getting back up while stumbling a bit.

She had ripped up clothes, and blood splattered on her hands and face.

Draco looked at her curiously. It didn't take him too long to realize he was looking at Valencia. He did it. He actually made it to hell.

Now he got more scared. But Draco knew he had one goal at the moment; to get Valencia and leave.

Another man came running out of the forest where he saw Valencia standing, leaned over with her hands on her knees as she caught her breath.

"You can't run away forever Valencia" The mans voice was far from his appearance. It wasn't a normal voice, but a malicious whispered sounding voice.

He sounded like a demon was in his body, speaking. And in this case, it probably was a demon.


Here I was again, being chased it this stupid forest. I've beaten up these demons so much at this point I'd want the devil to just come down here and fight me.

"You can't runaway forever Valencia" The demonic voiced man spoke as he caught up with me.

I turned around, my body shaking in anger.

"are you sure bitch?" I spat, "last time I checked, hell is forever so I CAN"

I quickly spun around and started running again but the man caught up and tackled me. I groaned and stuck my hand through his chest, ripping his heart out.

I pushed him aside and stood up. It was only a matter of time before he came back to life.

"Valencia" A familiar hushed voice said, a voice I believed I would never hear again.

I looked and saw Draco Malfoy? How is he here? Since when did hell update my "experience"

"this isn't real" I rolled my eyes crossing my arms, "you think i'm stupid?"

Draco's expression changed, he looked to be puzzled.

"I'm real" He simply stated, "i'm getting you out of here"

I dryly laughed, "oh really?"

I turned around and saw the demon man slowly moving, he was waking up.

"you can't escape hell, and you should leave before this demon murders you" I huffed, "but you probably are a demon too so whatever"

"how can I prove i'm real?" Draco groaned in frustration to me not believing him.

"I don-" Something sharp sliced the back of my ankles and I fell over, looking and seeing the man smirking evilly while holding a knife.

"Valencia!" Draco ran over to me but the demon got up and threw the knife into Dracos chest, making him fall over.

In the blink of an eye, I was in the ocean. To my surprise, Draco was next to me.

"so.. you are real?" I asked him, "or is this some huge trick?"

"for fucks sake Valencia cant you just believe it's me" Draco whined, then looked around "are you afraid of the ocean or something? that's pathetic for some whos- how old are you? A mill-"

"okay I believe it's you" I interrupted him with widened eyes, "Draco.. how..."

"I got your dumb powers from your ashes so Everly forced me to come" Draco explained.

"well there's no escape, I hate to break it to you"

"I came here alive so I can go back, if I just take you with me-"

"watch out!" I bashed the skeleton zombie in the head that was coming from behind Draco.

"shit" he muttered as he watched it sink down.

"just leave Draco" I said to him, "you're wasting time"

He grabbed my wrist, "I'm taking you too"

Draco began to chant a spell, and for some reason a glimmer of hope began to rise inside of me. Maybe there is a chance I can be saved!

After only a couple of seconds it felt like we were being sucked into a hole, everything went black.

"Valencia?" Everly asked, I opened my eyes.

this story sucks ass

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