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"the day Daphne Hart turned you into a vampire, the rest of us witches were released by her as well. Not long later, I was turned."

"oh my god" I was speechless, "what are you doing here?"

"same reason as you Valencia, I want that cure"

"so you're also after the cure.."

"Yup.. I was talking to Malfoy earlier to get your attention, I wanted you to end up going to the ball with harry." she said to me.


"well, have you noticed that Harry can't be compelled?" she asked, I nodded.

"he doesn't drink or wear vervain. There's something special about him and if you go on that date with him, you guys can... sort out your differences so he isn't always suspicious of you, and then we can do more digging." she explained.

"oh" I was surprised, "and you're going with Malfoy.."

"yes, unfortunately. He is certainly not my type" She laughed but it slowly died down, "I had gone through many relationships in my life, but I met this one boy" she began

"his name was Alejandro, he was the one who turned me. It was like love at first sight. In fact we explored almost all of Europe"

I smiled, "sounds nice"

"it was" she paused, "until he was abducted by a group of scientists who tortured him for research on vampires. I looked for him everywhere but found out the lab was under a cloaking spell. It would have been impossible." her voice was flooded with sadness.

"I'm so sorry" I said to her.

"don't be. I'm sure he's dead by now so once I get the cure, I can die peacefully and be reunited with my love"

"yeah" the silence was loud, "i'm feeling pretty hungry, wanna go for a bite?" I grinned.

"of course"


Everly and I had left Hogwarts grounds because apparently killing the students was too risky or something. We went to a hospital that was far away from the school and stole a few blood bags first.

Then we went to a small village with very few people, and it was almost in the middle of nowhere.

"her" I pointed to a girl who looked to be about 17 year old, she was gardening.

"hello" me and Everly sped up to her and she jumped.

"um.. hi?"

"don't move, or scream" I compelled her, grabbing her and taking a bite into her neck.

"Valencia everyone can see what are you doing?!"

I ignored her and continued to drain the blood from the girls veins.

Everly sighed and pushed me and the girl away from other peoples view.

"be more careful, if other people see they can run and snitch" she told me, but I was barely listening.

"Valencia thats enough" I ignored her.

"Valencia stop!" she pushed me off the girl, who could barely hold herself up.

"go home and forget this happened" Everly compelled her.

vampire // DMDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora