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It was the morning, I sat down next to Draco and the great hall and it was still really early. Only a few people were hear including me, Draco, and Blaise. Everly was sleeping still.

"you know sometimes I wonder what it's like to be bitten in the neck" Blaise began, "don't you think it be so hot for Everly to just sink her fang into-"

"it's not fun" Draco said tiredly, "she went crazy once and did it to me"

"it's like getting stabbed in the neck Blaise, you're so strange" I added.

He shrugged, "do you think she'll do it if I ask her?"

"shut up" me and draco both said at the same time.

"Have I missed anything?" Everly sat down next to Blaise.

"so i was thinking...." he began talking to her but I turned them out. Remembering the letter Daphne sent me.

"so Draco" I spoke, "Daphne's fiancé told her about us hanging out a lot and now she wants to meet you"


I shrugged, "does it matter?"

"I suppose not" he replied.

"so is that a yes?" I asked hopefully.

"sure" he said, "we can do it later since it's Sunday"


"Where are you going?" Everly asked when she saw me putting on a cardigan.

"Daphnes" I answered, "while i'm gone you
can have all the time to yourself with Blaise"

She giggled, her face turning red a bit.

"I'll see you later?"

"see you"

I left the dorm and met up with Draco in the common room and we apparated to her cottage.

"a cottage" he said, "I wasn't expecting this"

"That's Daphne for you" I replied, "lets go in"

I walked inside and saw Walter and Daphne drinking blood out of wine glasses while talking.

They both turned to us when they heard the door shut.

"Good! You brought us lunch" Walter jokingly said referring to Draco.

"he's messing with you" I whispered in his ear.

"Uh, hi professor?"

"Don't feel embarrassed Draco, just forget i'm a professor at Hogwarts, i'm sure Valencia has told you the true reason i'm there"

"Draco is it?" Daphne walked over to us, "I'm Daphne Hart"

"Draco Malfoy" they shook hands.

"Malfoy you say? I've heard about your family's involvement with that bald man, I'm sorry about that" Daphne told him.

He laughed a bit at what she called the dark lord.

"come, we're planning to sit outside" She said, leading us outside to her porch.

There was lunch already made. Her and Walter sat down and watched me take a seat along with Draco.

Something felt off.

Everyone was talking, I could tell Draco was a bit intimidated but trying to play it cool. Walter seemed to like him.

"this was very filling daring, I don't think I'll have to feed for a whole week" Walter said to Daphne.

She smacked him lightly, "oh stop it"

"now, let's go inside for desert" Walter said, standing up from his chair and walking in.

"desert? I didn't make desert?" Daphne said in confusion.

Me and draco looked at each-other and followed them both inside.

Once we were inside, Walter pulled out the syringe with the cure.

"Walter what on earth are you- AH!" Daphne collapsed to the ground when Walter stabbed the cure right into her.

I froze. Daphne couldn't be human now.

"..that was for the gang coming for us.." I muttered in disbelief, turning to Walter, "HOW COULD YOU?"

He began laughing. and then he bent down to daphne on the ground, grabbing the collar of her shirt and banging her head against the floor hard.

I heard her heartbeat slowing and the panic began to rise.

"there is no gang after us... is there" I said, trying to keep it together.

"you clueless girl" he shook his head, "the remainder of than gang was me"

My eyes widened, "what?"

"you killed my entire crew, my family!" He was on the verge of yelling, "so i'm killing yours, and now i'm going to kill you and every person you've ever loved"

A tear rolled down my face.

"no" I shook my head, "you won't be living another day, or another minute actually"

I pushed him against the wall with telekinesis and held him in a chokehold with it. He started choking.

"maybe killing you right now would be a little too generous" I said, his choking would kill him. So he would just choke and choke until I decided for him to stop.

I threw him onto the ground, he was panting.

"and I dared to believe you were actually a good guy" I muttered, blaming myself for not seeing this before.

His blood began to boil, and not metaphorically, but literally. His heart rate began to speed up, and slowly the pain got worse.

Walter screamed and gripped on his chest as if he wanted to rip his heart out. His heart exploded, and he died.

I let out a breath of air and began to process what just happened.

"i'm sorry you had to see that" I bluntly said to draco, looking at Daphne.

"no no no no" I ran over to her body, tears flooding my eyesight, "daphne?"

"she's dead Valencia" Draco said, coming next to me.

"i can just give her a bit of my blood and she's going to be fine" I told him, biting my wrist and forcing it on her mouth.

"Drink daphne. Come one DRINK" I started to cry when nothing was happening.

"this isn't how it was supposed to end" I croaked, "I have no one"

A few drops became waterfalls, I was choking with tears. This couldn't be real, she couldn't be dead, this is just a dream.

I collapsed over her corpse and cried into her shirt. She smelled the exact same, like cranberry's. If I closed my eyes, maybe this would all go away, and I could just pretend she's taking a nap.

"daphne" I cried, "come back"

Draco looked at me sadly, and helped me up.
"let's go, you can't be alone right now"

"IM NOT ALONE" I screamed, he flew back and hit the wall. My hand flew over my mouth and I whimpered at what I had just done.

"im so sorry" I ran to him as he stood up.

"let's just go back, you have be with me and Everly and..Blaise maybe" He said.

I nodded, not wanting to turn around to the sight of Daphnes lifeless body.


I was on my bed, staring at the ceiling feeling as dead as Daphne. As dead as my mother. As dead as my father. When will it end?

Draco was telling Everly what happened and she even seemed upset about it.

"you can't keep her out of your sight" she whispered to him, "if she flips the switch..who knows what's going to happen"

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