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Next day, Malfoy Manor

"Father, you asked for me" Draco spoke as he walked in with his mother, Narcissa.

Lucius stood there, a stern look on his face.

"Tell me Draco," he began, "do you know any students by the name of Valencia Black and Everly Stowe"


"Everly wake up" I shook her, "wake up!!"

She wasn't moving. I raised my hand and slapped her across the face, she woke up immediately.

"what was that for?" She groaned, sitting up giving me a tired expression.

"we have a problem" I began, "Draco has informed me that his father requested his presence today"

"well that can only mean one thing" everly looked down, "we have to kill them"

"what?!" I bursted out in surprise.

She laughed, "I'm joking relax, it means whatever is going on between you and draco will either get worse or better"

"what do you mean?"

She sighed, "we don't know what his father is telling him, he might be telling Draco to get us back in that dungeon in the manor"

"okay and how could it get better?"

"Well his father might just tell him to stay away and maybe Draco will still like you!"

I rolled my eyes, "I doubt that" I sat down on Everly's bed, "I should have never gotten close"

"don't blame yourself Valencia, let's just focus on getting the cure for Daphne and leaving this school as soon as we can"


"Here's the deal" Me and Everly walked into the library over to Harry and his squad, "if you guys don't hurry up on finding that cure, i'll kill-"

"what she's meaning to say" Everly interrupted, "is that you guys need to try find the cure quicker, we are running out of time"

"how are you running out of time?" Ron stood up, "you've got eternity don't you"

"perhaps you have forgotten our deal strawberry shortcake" I hissed, "the cure, or your life"

They all looked at each other in distress and I walked away with Everly.

"Don't you think we should try look too? What else have we got to do" Everly suggested.

"You're right, I shouldn't be relying on a couple of kids to get the job done"

"stop right there ladies"


"Yes Professor?" I asked tiredly in Umbridges office.

She looked at me and Everly, smiling.

"I heard there's two bloodsucking monsters in the grounds of this school" she spoke.

"what's that have to do with us Miss?" Everly asked her.

"This!" She pulled out a large wooden stake and just as she was about to throw it into Everly, I raised my hand and made it go back and stab umbridge.

She screamed out in pain and looked up at us in anger and hatred.

"are you stupid?" I asked, almost laughing.

"wait" Everly pulled the stake out of umbridge and bit her wrist.

"What are you doing?!" I widened my eyes at what Everly was doing.

She healed umbridge and then pinned her against the wall by her neck with her telekinesis.

"How did you find out?"

"Lucius Malfoy informed the ministry" She choked, "we must kill you monsters!!"

"okay now she's being annoying" I said, flicking my wrist, snapping her neck. Umbridge dropped to the floor, dead.

"Take her to the forest, I'll go look for the cure in the headmasters office" I told Everly.

"Be careful" She said to me.

I nodded and left Umbridges office, making my way to the headmasters office.

As I walked in, Dumbledore spoke.

"I was expecting you, Miss Black"


"You were?" I questioned.

"Take a seat" Dumbledore said, motioning to the chair in-front of his desk.

I cautiously stepped forward, and sat down.

"I know what you are Valencia, and I know what you are here for" Dumbledore began, "I will help on your search for the cure, on the condition that you don't harm my staff or students"

"deal" I grinned

"and.. stop threatening everyone"

"Sorry Dumbledore, that I can't promise"

I began leaving his office and decided to go the common room.

"Well if it isn't Valencia Black" Pansy spoke my name in utter disgust.

"what do you want" I gritted my teeth, already annoyed by her presence.

"This" She quickly pulled her wand out at me, "crucio!"

I dropped to my knees and screamed in pain, Pansy and her friends laughed. Until I stopped acting and stood up, grinning at her.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I stepped closer to Pansy.

"I've been around a long time Parkinson" I told her, "you're going to regret trying to pull something like that"

I grabbed her arm and put a cloaking spell on us.

"where did they go?" One of Pansy's friends asked in fear.

"I don't know.." the other ones voice shook.

"what have you done!" Pansy yelled at me.

I opened my mouth and felt my fangs coming out. Its been a while since I fed straight from the vein.

She screamed as I bit into her skin. I was growing more thirsty almost, the more I fed, the more I craved it.

But Pansy wasn't exactly a random unknown student at the school, I had to stop.

I let go of her, licking my lips.

"Forget this happened" I compelled her, looking in her eyes. She faintly nodded and I bit my wrist, feeding her my blood so the wound would heal.

Suddenly I remembered Dumbledore's deal with me. "oops" I mumbled.

Once I uncloaked Pansy, I quickly tried to make my way to the bathroom to clean the blood off my mouth.

With my head down, I rushed out of the common room. That was until I bumped into someone.

"Valencia?" Draco questioned, looking at me.

"I have to go" I didn't look up, I tried shoving past him but he harshly grabbed my wrist and yanked me back.

"look up" He said, "now"

I sighed, slowly moving my head up.

His eyes barely widened once he saw the blood around my mouth.

"its true.." he muttered to himself, "you are a vampire.." He pushed me away and went into the common room.

Oh shit

vampire // DMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ