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"what is what?" I walked over to Draco, he picked up a small box, and proceeded to open it.

Inside was a locket. I picked it out of the box Draco was holding, and opened the locket.

"this is Daphne.." I stared at the photo, a photo of Daphne Hart, holding me as a baby.

"did you say she was your mother or her mothers friend?" Draco asked, looking at the photo in confusion.

"do you think Daphne is..." I didn't want to say it, there was no way.

"your mother?" Draco finished.

"you know what" I put the locket back in the box and shut it, "it doesn't matter"

Draco looked at me weirdly and then brushed it off.

"we should just go back to Hogwarts" Draco proposed.

"fine, but we need to make a pit stop by the hospital, i'm in need of more blood bags"


Me and Draco entered the common room, and Blaise was standing there with a smirk.

"you two sneaking around again?" Blaise approached us, "I know your secret"

I rolled my eyes, "for the last time we aren't dati-"

"you're a vampire" He said, I froze, "you can't compel me to forget because I am on vervain"

"How'd you find out she was a vampire?" Draco asked, he seemed mad.

"I have eyes everywhere" Blaise whispered, "but in honestly that day Valencia ripped that guys heart out I stole Timothys vervain to see if it was booze"

"so you knew this whole time.." I spoke, Draco looked confused.

"Ripped someone's bloody heart out?" Draco repeated in shock.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Blaise said, "if you want to turn me into one-"

"No" I interrupted, "absolutely not"

"why not?" He whined, "I wanna be immortal!"

"it's not just that." I turned to draco, "why don't you tell your buddy everything i told you about being a vampire"

I pushed draco over to blaise, "i'm going to my dorm"

I left them behind and started going to my dorm, hiding the blood bags.

"you and Draco have been getting awfully close" Everly walked in, "anything you want to tell me?"

I stared at her questionably, "tell you what?"

"you cannot deny your feelings for Draco" she said, sitting next to me on the bed, "I mean, almost the past two weeks you two have been inseparable"

"whatever. just for your information, Blaise knows i'm a vampire now" I told her.

"Blaise? He is Draco's best friend right? Quite the handsome fellow don't you think?" She said to me.

"Blaise? Handsome?" I grinned at her, "maybe i'm not the one with a crush here"

"Oh shut up Valencia" she smacked me, "where did you put the blood bags?"

I pulled it out from under the bed, "they are under a cloaking spell so if any student try's looking through my stuff they don't find it"

"smart" she commented, grabbing one and drinking from it.

I got one for myself and started drinking. I couldn't help but get a sudden craving for something more warm.. straight from the vein.

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