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It had been a week since my arrival to hogwarts. I made a few more friends, but hung out with Malfoy's little squad. I have taken quite a liking to him.

I was outside, watching a quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. It was very obvious on who was winning.

I couldn't help but admire the way Malfoy looked up there. The wind was gracefully pushing his perfect hair back, he looked so determined and competitive. And the winning part made it so much more... attractive.

There was no way I could get any feelings towards him. He's just some random boy I became friends with, I shouldn't even build any kind of friendships with anyone here. I came here for one thing and after I'm leaving this school behind and building a new life.

As I watched the match, Malfoy noticed me watching him and winked at me. My eyes widened a bit and I felt my cheeks heating up. Why are they doing that?

"oooh someone's blushing" Athena poked my shoulder and giggled.

"What!" I panicked and put my hands over my cheeks.

"relax Valencia!!" She laughed, "who's the lucky guy, or girl!"

I looked back to the match, "nobody"

She followed my eyes and then spotted the person I couldn't stop staring at, "Malfoy!!" she freaked.

"It's not like that!" I quickly said, "I'm just watching my friend. That's all"

"I'm not judging if you like Malfoy" Athena told me, "but if you do then that might be a problem"


"well" she began, "for starters Pansy is very possessive over him, I actually doubt she would be a problem for you... and well, Malfoy has a lot of girls after him, he's not very boyfriend material"

"then lucky for me, i don't like him that way" I said again, "I can admire his looks without liking him like that"

"nobody just 'admires someone's looks' without fancying them" Athena rolled her eyes playfully.

"well I don't fancy Malfoy, and I never will!" I finished, "I don't want to continue this conversation"

"whatever you say" Athena replied.

Malfoy caught the golden snitch and everyone began cheering, I didn't want to look like a screaming lunatic so I just clapped. Malfoy watched me and smirked, before getting off his broom and walking away with Blaise and the rest of the Slytherin quidditch team.


Everyone was in the great hall having lunch, and then Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement. I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying until I heard

"For this years annual ball, we're going to have a masquerade theme. It will be this Friday."

Everyone got excited, some people already asked others to be their date.

"a ball?" I questioned.

"yeah, we have one every year" Blaise told me.

"Draco.." pansy began.

"No" He interrupted her, "I don't want to be your date"

She groaned and walked away.

"so Black, is there anyone you got eyes on?" Blaise asked me.

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