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The vervain laced saw cut into my stomach and I screamed.

"Quiet yourself" The man in the white lab suit stabbed a thick needle into my neck, making me wince.

My vision became fuzzy, and so did my hearing.

I tried fighting the strange man with my bloodied hands, but it was no use. I was weak.

"kill me" I muttered, before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


I woke up in a cage, dimly lit by multiple candles. Where am I?

I looked at my stomach. My completely healed stomach. Already terrified when it would be cut open next.

"you alright?" The boy in the cage next to mine asked, staring at me.

I didn't answer, I just looked back at him.

"they experiment on vampires" he spoke again, "torturing us like we deserve it"

I heard him scoff to himself, looking away. I knew he wasn't scoffing at me, more like the idea of this place.

I quietly sighed.

"do they cut you open too?" I asked him, my voice shaking.

Before he could answer, some kind of guard called his name.

"Aspen" They said, "You're up"

The guard opened the cage and viciously grabbed who I'm guessing was Aspen.

My eyes widened as I immediately knew where he was going.

"LET HIM GO" I screamed, running over to the cage.

The guard stopped, and turned to me.

"well you're awfully energetic aren't you?"

I stayed silent, just praying they would let us go.

"Fine" The guard shoved Aspen back in the cage, "you'll go for him then"

My cage was opened and more guards came, dragging me out of the cage.

I kicked and screamed for them to let me go. But I was deprived from blood, and didn't have much fight in me.

In seconds I was back at the lab. Laying under the sickly bright light.

"why are you doing this" I cried, "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU"

The scientist approached me with a needle. Ignoring me. He stuck it in my arm, which began to draw my blood out into a bag.

I looked at my blood being sucked out, and panicked.

"Hey!" I yelled, "What are you doing!?"

"Vampire blood is known to heal humans so... it can possibly be used in medications"

"this is why you're torturing me? For medicine?!" I questioned.

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