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I woke up feeling my head still pounding due to me falling. But what surprised me was the room I was in seemed like a nice hotel room. I look to the side to see Zack passed out next to me. I noticed all the cuts and bruises and wounds on his chest and shoulder a down his arms. My heart sank. I moved his hair away from his eyes so I can see him. He looked like he was in pain so I decided not to wake him up and go explore. I got up from the bed still wearing Zack's sweater which reaches down to my knees. I looked around the room the Sun was rising I noticed that we were in a tall building when I looked at the window, but something was off we were in the middle of nowhere somewhere probably deep in the forest. I began to panic, I saw the reflection of me through the window and noticed bandage around my forehead I touch it and it felt like a bruise. I walk towards that door open it slightly to look around there was only hallways down to the left and to the right. It really seemed like I was in a hotel. I exited the room shuttimg the door behind me and went to the right to see where I am. There was a bunch of other doors that led to other rooms then an elevator when I reached to the end of the hallway. I walked inside and went down to the first floor. When the elevator opened bunch of noise made me jump as I heard people walking back and forth laughing and talking. I was confused as I stepped out of the elevator no one really seemed to notice me. I looked around and see in front of me the entrance and the exit of this building to the right of that is the office to check in. To the left led to the cafeteria it looked like. I was really in a hotel or am I in heaven?

"Hello there, miss." I heard a voice behind me it was a young man. He looked to have same height as me has short dark red hair, flattened neatly down and parted on the right side of his head, and his eyes were grayish color, and he wears glasses with circular lenses.

"Hello. Where am I?"

"Ah. You're one of the ones that Shino saved." The boy said. "Don't worry you're safe now. This place is where criminals stay and hide from the world.


"Correct. what's your name dear?"

"My names N/n."

"Your real name." He said quickly which cut me off guard.

"I..it's Y/n."

"You don't need to hide your identity here. I promise you're safe. I know it's unsettling and you don't fully trust me yet but you will. They all do." the boy began to walk away until he turned towards me. "My names Eric. Please come with me Y/n." I followed Eric into a room full of people I was starting to get uncomfortable. "Everyone this is Y/n she's new here so please be nice." Eric said to them. The all greeted me with a smile and some of them grinned and laughed. "Let me introduce you to them."

Criminal record: Assault Family Member and brutally murdered them.
He is a skin tan man of narrow build body with long, shaggy black hair, parted to the left. His eyes are small, and green, with rather long lower eyelashes and thin eyebrows. He also possesses a large scar on the left side of his forehead that he acquired as a result of his fight with a family member.

Criminal record: dismembering her best friend.
She is a slim young woman of below average height. She has long, brown hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; She has large chocolate brown eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts. She was very pretty.

Criminal record: shooting up a church.
He has sliver hair swept to one side and cyan eyes. He looks to naturally have a lazy, droopy, and somewhat uninterested expression on his face. He's pretty short for an average height of a man but has big shoulders and a well built body.

Criminal record: legal drugs, murder, and kidnapping.
He is a older man of average height, his blonde hair is longer, and kept in many more, comparatively larger spikes jutting in every direction, due to another pair of strands sitting on top of his head, the rest of his hair mirrors like a lion's mane.

Criminal record: unknown.
He is a very tall and thin man. He has dark pink hair that points upwards. He has Fair skin. On his face, he has a large scar on his right eye. And He has purplish eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n." Gavin said.

"You too."

"How did you get in here?" Tina asked me. "What's your criminal record."

"Well.. My boyfriend is a serial killer, I killed my best friend and her boyfriend. I assaulted people who've assaulted me first and killed another person who tried to kill me."

"Who's your boyfriend?" Shawn asked.

"Isaac Foster."

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