Wilburs Pov.

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Remember this is wilburs pov!♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

I woke up early to my alarm blaring through my ears, sending a spike of shock throughout my spine. I had to go to the office today for work. I slowly roll over and pick up my phone. It turns on and i immediately close my eyelids, the bright light from my phone burning my eyes. 7:00am. I groan as i slowly get out of bed and stretch, making my way to the lightswitch. I turn on the light and make my way to the bathroom.

I do my business and brush my teeth, before i run my hands through my hair. I smile at myself in the mirror and walk back out, where i put on my office uniform. I walk into my room and start the coffee brewer before i walk into y/n's room.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

"Y/n, you need to wake up now, cause i need to go to work and you also have classes today. Also you get to see tommy and tubbo tomorrow so you need to get prepared." I turned on her light and watched as she covered her face with her blanket. "What time is itttt" y/n whined as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Its 7 am, You have classes at 9 and the reason i woke you up early is because i know you wouldn't wake up by yourself." I then hear the coffee stop brewing so i walk out and close her door, letting her get ready. I take my coffee mug and pour half of the jug into my mug along with some creamer, and set it down on the kitchen counter. I walk into my room and grab my bag, phone, wallet, keys and etc. I grab my cup of coffee and walk back to y/n's door, knocking on it. "Come in" I open the door and see y/n is dressed in some black jeans, a beige crewneck sweater along with a brown trench coat and black shoes.



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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

"Nice outfit!" I smile as she does aswell. "Im off to work text me if you need anything okay?" y/n nodded. "And please make sure you get to your classes on time, i dont want a call saying you weren't there." She nods once again and i close her door. I grab my coffee cup and walk out the front door, locking it behind me before getting into my car. I play some chilling music as i silently hum along, all the way to my office building. I turn the car off and open the car door, closing it and walking into the building. "Hello wil!" I was greeted by my manager. "Hello!" I say as i sit down at my little cube and log onto my computer.

(pls no hate i dont know how ppl work at offices)

I've been working for at least 2 hours now, and y/n's classes has started. She texted me saying she got to class on time and that made me smile. I was working a little more until my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I take it out and look at the caller ID, seeing it was Tubbo. "Hello tubbo! What do you need?" I smile as he let out a sigh. "Im nervous for tomorrow wilbur i really am." Tubbo sounded serious. "Whys that?" I held my phone between my shoulder and my ear as i continued to do my office work on the computer. "Its not that i dont want to meet y/n, its just the fact that what if i make the wrong in person impression and they completely change on me?" Tubbo sounded a little more sad.

"Tubbo trust me on this. Y/n cares for you alot, she talks about you alot and i am 99 percent sure they wouldn't care if you did something on accident. Y/N really cares for you tubbo. Now please calm down." I talked to tubbo a little more and helped reassure him everything was fine, before i hung up. I checked the time again and it was 2pm, it was my time to go home. I pack my things back into my bags as i put my phone in my pocket. I wave goodbye to my manager before i walked out the door of the office building, hopping inside my car. I turn it on as the engine rumbled before i pulled out of the parking lot.

I turned on some music and vibed all the way until i got to a pickup store, where i ordered some food for me and y/n. I pull up to the first window and pay, then driving off to the second window where i pick up my food. I thank them and grab the bag of goods, finishing my journey home. I parked in the driveway and turned off the car, heading inside. "Y/N IM HOME!" I yell out and set the food on the counter. "Cominggggg!" y/n yelled back as i heard her feet patting on the wood floor before her door opened. "OOOO FOOD" She ran over and i unpacked the food that was in the bag and gave her the things i bought her. "Please do your homework. Anyway have you prepared for tomorrow?" I looked over to her. "Oh shoot no i didnt prepare but ill do that after i finish my homework. Im kinda nervous for tomorrow wilbur" Y/n frowned as i came over and gave her a hug.

"Trust me y/n everything will be fine. I had to deal with the same thing earlier with tubbo and hes nervous also, but i ensured him it will be fine. I promise you it will all be alright." I smile and pull away as she let out a sigh and smiled. "Thank you so much wilbur your the best!" Y/n grabbed her food and ran back into her room. I smiled as i brung my food into my room, sitting it down at my desk. I changed into comfy clothes and sat back down at my desk as i finished some editing and published a youtube video. I finish eating and throw away the trash in the bin.

I then walk to y/n's room and i see she's on her phone. "Done with homework and preparing?" She looked my way and smiled. "Yeah my homework's done and im prepared for tomorrow! what time are we waking up?"

"mm maybe around 9 am?" She nodded and got up from her bed, giving me a hug. "Seriously, thank you. For everything you've done with mom and dad, and tubbo. You've made me so much happier. Thank you so so much." I hug her back. "Of course y/n now get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow!" We both pull away and smile before i walked out and back into my room, eventually falling asleep.

"I made my little sister happy again.."



I'm gonna go rewatch the guy who didn't like musicals now have a great night! Take care ily

1220 words

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