I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!

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    Warning: There is intense Abuse scene in this chapter!!

Chapter 28......

I woke up to the sunlight shinning in my face, I opened my eyes yawned while squinting my eyes cause of the bright light, I sat up releasing yet another yawn, I ran a hand through my hair feeling all the straw tangled in my hair Ugh I need a brush, I stretched my sore muscles out from sleeping in a stall I'm just glad it had some sort of padding to it, I looked around the stall and started to panic when I didn't see Angel in here I hurriedly scrambled up on my feet and ran out of the stall panic and fear taking over, I ran to the stall Midnight was in he was laying down nestled in the straw sleeping but no Angel, I looked everywhere in the barn and I saw Nikki and Lucas were still sleeping in the stall they had been sleeping in lastnight and straw was in there hair.

Where is she?, What if someone took her?, What if that man came back and took her?, What if my dad found out where she was and took her?, What if something has happened to her?, I thought panicked and scared, I ran out of the barn, looked in the paddocks thinking maybe she got of the stall and jumped into one of the paddocks but there was no Angel, I looked in the round pen no Angel, I looked in the arena no Angel, I even looked in the hay tent and again no Angel.... I sigh feeling defeated, Heartbroken and scared that I lost Angel again, I hung my head tears threatening to spill over my cheeks but I refused to let them fall, I walked back to the barn and around to the back of the barn kicking at rocks sniffling trying to keep my tears from falling..

My head shot up when I heard a nicker, I saw Trevor and Angel, he was hand grazing her, I take a deep breath and sigh in relief, Gosh that scared the living daylights out of me I thought I had lost her again.

I walked up to him and punched him on the shoulder. "Ow what was that for?, What did I do?" He asked rubbing his shoulder were I had punched him. "For scaring me half to death, You almost gave me a heart attack" I said he furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. "What?, How did I scare you?" he asked confused. "By taking Angel out of her stall when I was sleeping, it scared me half to death Trevor I thought that the man had found her and taken her again" I said tears welling up he made a 'O' shape with his mouth and guilt flashed in his eyes. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't think about that she was just getting antsy so I thought I'd take her out so she could eat some grass, I didn't mean to scare you" He said with guilty  and sad eyes. "I know and its okay, it just scared me I thought I had lost her again" I said more tears welling up, He pulled me into his embrace and I buried my head into his chest as I let a few tears slip out of my eyes, After a little while we pulled back a little and I looked up at him my brown eyes connected with his blue ones that I could get lost in for hours.

"I'm so sorry baby, next time I will tell you" He whispered I nodded he smiled and he leaned down and connected our lips, FIREWORKS exploded once our lips made contact, we moved our lips in sync with each other, I moved my hands up and around his neck bringing his head closer to mine, and he put his hands around my waist, then he moved me closer to him and he then proceeded to lick my bottom lip for entrance which I granted by opening my mouth a little, his tongue explored my mouth Fireworks and sparks shooting through out us... And then there was a loud nicker in my ear, and I jumped away in fright breaking the kiss I think I bit Trevor's lip when I jumped away, I looked over at Angel to see her prancing around and nickering as if saying 'Pay some attention to me' Trevor and I look at each other and laughed, I walked over to Angel and started rubbing her forehead, she pushed into my hand wanting more attention.

"Hey girl, Did you have enough of Trevor and I kissing and you wanted me all to yourself" I said with a amused chuckle, she snorts and nuzzles me, Trevor walks over and hands me Angels rope I take it smiling at him.

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