We Found Her!

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                                           Chapter 26..

Its been 2 weeks since Angel was taken away from me, I'm devastated all I do is cry and when I'm not crying I feel numb and I tell myself that I have failed her,  We have been looking for her everywhere, we've looked at every Stable, Barn, Farm, and Ranch  in this town to hours away, we even looked at  some Cow Ranches, we've looked at every Horse Auction and every Horse slaughter house too..those Guys were bad and I wouldn't put it past them if they sold her or sent her to a..Slaughter house were assuming the worst.. we still haven't found her, I've been staying with Lucas these past two weeks but I'm so depressed that I barely talk and I don't eat, I cry myself to sleep it seems like I'm always crying and when I not crying I"m spacing out and staring into nothing, Everyone is worried about me and how I'm acting but what do they expect my horse was just taken from me how would you feel if that happened to you?,,,   Dad has called and texted me threats but I ignore them, I hate him more than ever now, you know I used to think that there was still hope for him that he'd go back to being how he used to be my dad but after this I know he's to far gone to fix he's never going back to being how he used to be and Now I just don't even care he can rot in a jail cell for all I care he took the one thing I loved the most away from me without a second thought he has no heart, he's not my dad anymore he's just the guy who helped make me I am not his daughter I hate him with all my being and as soon as I find Angel I will send his Butt to jail..I haven't given up hope yet that  we'll find Angel but sometimes I feel that we're never going to find her, Everyone has been telling me not to give up hope but what if we don't find her, I love her more than anything  and if we don't find her I don't think I can live,,,

 Right now, I'm laying in bed looking at pictures of Angel on my phone..    I look at this one picture it was of..I was on her bareback hugging her, While she was nudging my leg..I smiled tears rolling down my cheeks,..I go to the next picture which was...I had a carrot in my mouth crouching down on the ground in front of Angel, she had her head down trying to get the carrot out of my mouth..A sob left my mouth..I miss her so much that its so so  painful...I go to the next pic which was of..  Us jumping but I had no stirrups and I had my hands out to the side, and Angel had her ears perked as she she jumped it...I remember that day so clearly like it was yesterday...Trevor had dared me to jump with no hands.... 

    Suddenly I had a Flashback..



Angel and I head towards the last jump, we sour over it clearing it with feet to spare, I lean forward and pat her neck and then slow her down to a trot and trot her to Trevor and stop her at the fence where Trevor was clapping smiling wide like a idiot..

    "That was amazing" He said smiling wide, I smiled.                    "Yeah it was, She did so so amazing"I said he nodded.               "Hey i've got a wacky idea" He said I tilt my head patting Angel.           "What is it?" I asked  scratching Angel on the neck.                    "I dare you to jump a 2 foot vertical jump with no hands" He said smirking but little did he know that i have done that before.                 "Okay deal, I'll do it without stirrups too" I said confidently his eyes widened not expecting this.           

     "Is that safe?" He asked I rolled my eyes.                    "Chill I've done it before" I said He bit his lip.          "Okay, Just be careful and don't get hurt" he said I rolled my eyes again,             "Okay Dad" I joked he rolled his eyes at my child like behavior.                      "Just go do it Josie Posie" He mused, I nodded and turned Angel and I picked the canter up, I head for the 2 foot vertical jump going towards Trevor, as we were approaching the jump I slip my feet out of my stirrups and put my arms out to the side,  3,2,,1 and Jump she lifts her front feet and surges forward, I go into two point, we land perfectly on the other side of the jump, once we landed Angel gave feel good buck, but I wasn't expecting it , cause I still had no stirrups and my hands were out to the side, So I tipped over and fell on my butt, I looked up at Trevor who had came running to me and  I died out laughing, he laughed too, Angel came trotting over to me and nuzzles me as if saying 'I'm sorry' I smiled and kiss her on the nose.

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