[15] The Great Queen || Dark Depths

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Autumn [October] - Third Year of Junior High

Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High

Continued from Chapter 14

Dedicated to Tegwolfo for the hilarious comments and constant unwavering support during my hiatus 🥰


THEY WARNED ME about him.

Those that knew him, those that knew of him and those who didn't. They'd stare at me with narrowed eyes, in varying degrees of disbelief and scepticism.

And they'd tell me: Don't take that sinner's hand. Don't trust pretty faces. Even the devil himself has the face of an angel.

Pretty people don't need to work for anything. They hide ugly personalities and even uglier hearts, especially that pretty boy. He's probably the prettiest of them all. He'll get bored with you. He always does.

Beauty is a passport. He's just travelling through life, collecting lipstick stains and stamps.

And stamps inevitably fade.

The ink bleeds into the worn, tattered paper, until even you're not quite sure what the original picture was. Or the vibrant colours fade, and the stamp flakes off without a sound; the only reminder a sticky residue that you try to scratch off with water, but can't quite erase.

I'd heard it all before. I knew what they really meant:

Why would he want you?

What makes you special?

Why would he stay when he has the rest of the world at his feet?

What makes you think you're the only one?

I should have known. And I did. Well, a part of me did. Specifically, my brain. But she'd always been so occupied, running a million miles an hour, that I chose to listen to my heart - who was conveniently at a standstill - instead.

How foolish. Ignorance could be expected but negligence was unforgivable - because I did know exactly who this pretty boy who stood before me was.

Pity he didn't seem to know me. Right?

'Do you think...I don't know?' Tooru suddenly asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled between us. His tone was light but the solid grip on my wrist tightened.

My other hand didn't move. Or at least, I didn't mean it to. The cold palm still lay flat against his chest, one with the rise and fall of his heart beat.

'Is your hand okay? You have quite the hook there. No wonder you have me completely hooked...' He chuckled at his own joke, gently pulling my hand up to his face. Soft lips lightly skimmed my knuckles, bringing warmth to my ever frozen fingers.

I didn't reply, eyes tightly shut. Sight was the only sense I could reasonably control, yet I could still see the white outline of his frame on the inside of my eyelids. It's hard when the person you're ignoring is also the one you can't stop thinking about.

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