[2] The Great Queen || The Council

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Spring [April] - Third Year of High School


ARE WORDS ON paper alone enough to cross the line?


'Hmm?' I was broken out of my reverie by Miyu's light tap on my left shoulder. She watched me carefully, concern written on her delicate features.

'Is something troubling you? The Council meeting is about to begin,' she asked, her big grey eyes crinkled with worry.

'Ah...perhaps. More so just thinking about someone.'

I didn't bother maintaining appearances with her. As my closest female friend, Miyu was constantly concerned about me no matter what I did. Whilst I only pretended to care about other people most of the time, Miyu genuinely did. However, with this tender heart came a naivety about the world and how to survive in this cutthroat hierarchy.

She was, in short, the manifestation of my false self - without the confidence. Emphasis on the short.

When I first met her in the first year of Junior High, she was the subject of much bullying by other girls and cruel pranks by boys. Perhaps I saw myself in her, but I took pity and took her under my wing. By my side, she learnt to be slightly more assertive and confident.

But every so often, there would be a brave idiot who'd only see a cute little brunette and try to take advantage of her kindness. They would get their ass handed back to them by Hajime and usually left in tears, courtesy of yours truly.

Her weakness did have silver lining for me though - she was very open to taking instructions. Diligent with a good ear, Miyu made the ideal Council Secretary.

'Seriously? She's daydreaming during an Executive Council meeting?' I heard a feminine voice at the back of the room whisper.

'She could at least pay attention. Does she think she's better than us?' Another voice agreed.

I froze.

On my right, Haru seemed to overhear the hushed voices too. Without wasting a second, he immediately took a step forward and stood defensively in front of my podium.

Haru had always taken his role as Vice President very seriously. If there was something that needed to be done, I'd trust Haru to do it. He was the kind of guy who couldn't leave a task half-done. Despite my many protests, he insisted that protecting my honour was part of the job description. Intelligent and shrewd, Haru was as aggressive and sarcastic as he was striking.

In another life, he could have been a great knight....or a very loyal Doberman.

He ran his hand through his jet-black hair, annoyance flashing in his cerulean eyes. With the confidence he exuded as President of the Debating Club, he was the object of much female admiration – particularly among the shyer girls struck in awe by his dry wit. In comparison to Tooru however, he did not welcome the attention.

In fact, he actively avoided it.

At the commencement of high school, we both joined the Executive Council and debating club with the same competitive enthusiasm. As the first-year representatives, we frequently clashed heads over funding allocations, meeting agendas and event plans. My audacity to call out his stubbornness with a smile had rendered him speechless on more than one occasion.

Somewhere along the way, our rivalry became deep respect.

Careful to remain passive, I peeked over Haru's tall shoulder and scanned the small classroom the meeting was being held in. My eyes locked onto a pair of first years who sat tapping away on their phones at the back.

The Greatest (Cheater!Oikawa Tooru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now