[1] The Great Queen || Gold Gingko

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Spring [April] - Third Year of High School


BOTH OUR BEGINNING and our end was set against the scenery of spring, so I suppose it was fate that the beginning of the end was on a spring day.

My hand didn't move.

'Snow, what inspires you?' he asked earnestly.

Hajime leant back on the tree we were sitting under and closed his eyes.

I paused as my pen hovered over the white page.

My mind, which was once as blank as the page, suddenly burst into technicolour.

A large smile spread on my face as a warm fuzzy feeling enveloped my body. The crisp spring gale hung heavy in the air but the thought of him warmed me more than the white blazer of my uniform.

Hajime shook his head, holding an arm over his face to avoid the sunlight. It filtered through the gingko tree branches, showering us in pools of gold.

'You're as stupid as each other,' he mumbled.

'Wha- How did you-Your eyes are closed! You can't even see -' I stammered.

'I don't need to. Now don't just sit there looking like a dope! Write something. You're never going to finish your university admission essay at this rate,' he grumbled.

I nodded and began filling the blank pages with colours, emotions and words that flowed easily like the ink from my pen.

We settled into an easy silence as we sat under the branches of a great tree at the school's entrance, waiting.

For us, waiting had become second nature. It was almost satirical, how our first meeting foreshadowed the story yet to come.

Six years ago, we met under a very similar tree.

┌─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┐

Spring [April] – First Year of Junior High

Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High

The entrance ceremony for junior high had come and gone, and the fresh faces of my peers began looking more relaxed as they settled into the new school day routine. 

Everyone, except for this particular boy, that is.

A permanent scowl tainted his usually stoic expression. 

Under the sweeping branches of a great gingko tree in the corner of the school, he stood unmoving. Half hidden by the shadows, the aura he exuded was menacing to say the least. It contrasted starkly with the golden glow that seemed to surround us.

 It contrasted starkly with the golden glow that seemed to surround us

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