[9] The Great Queen || Spirit (feat. Y.T & W.U.)

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Summer [June] - Third Year of High School

Summer Interhigh Day 2 Semi Finals

Aoba Johsai High vs Johzenji High


'I SEE YOUR fanclub finally managed to track you down, Pres.'

Glancing up from my kneeling position on the concrete floor, I smiled warmly at the arrival of my biggest supporter. Kitted out in a snow white t-shirt, mint training shorts, and cheerily waving her matching flag and paper megaphone, she looked every part the loyal Seijoh cheer squad member. I inwardly grimaced at the memory of her grating screech when I entered the gymnasium yesterday.

It was a good thing that she was planning to become a professional soccer player, because I didn't have the heart to tell my favourite third year representative that professional cheerleading was definitely not on the cards for her.

'Great timing, Sara. Can you give me a hand up?'

'Sure! What happened to tweedle dee and tweedle dum?' Sara asked, referring to the other two volleyball players who just rudely left and didn't even say hello to me.

Oh. How did she know about the other two members of the Terrible Teru Trio?

Did she pass them on the way here?

I took her extended hand and stood up with a grateful grin.

'Bobato and Futamata ran away when they heard Teru's high-pitched scream,' I replied nonchalantly, brushing dust off my white tracksuit pants. Johzenji's respective middle blocker and setter were sweet enough guys, albeit cocky and easily carried away by the antics of their even cockier Captain.

'I did NOT scream!'

We both looked down at the blonde boy lying face-down on the ground at my feet.

Johzenji's Captain himself.

It wasn't reallyyyy my fault. As per usual, I was minding my own business and making my own way to lunch in the cafeteria after refilling the water bottles from the outside tap. Tooru and the rest of the team were still doing their cool down exercises after their last game so I was all on my lonesome.

After feeling a heavy hand land on my shoulder and a playful baritone voice (that definitely did not belong to my boyfriend) whisper in my ear, I'd easily flipped the dark figure over my shoulder. Before he could register what had happened, I had the stranger face-down with my knee sharply digging into his back and his arms secured.

Haru and Hajime had taught me well.

Even before we began dating, Tooru insisted on walking me home every day but over the last few months, the increased intensity of his training commitments took him away from school so I began taking the journey alone at night. When Hajime found out, he exploded and demanded that I learn some self defence techniques to protect myself should the worst ever happen. After several sessions with Haru, Hajime and Kyotani (featuring some live play-by-play commentary by a very amused Matsukawa and Hanamaki), I had achieved sufficient proficiency in incapacitating my would-be attackers.

'Hi Yuuji,' Sara grinned, offering her hand to help the bashful boy who had just learnt about that proficiency first hand.

Terushima Yuuji glared daggers at the peace offering and pushed her hand away, getting to his feet himself. He grumbled incoherent curses and straightened his gold and black uniform.

'Good afternoon, traitor,' he growled, stretching his sore arms. Admittedly, I felt a little guilty - I bent his arms in ways that arms should never bend. Thankfully, the second year Captain of the infamous Johzenji volleyball team was flexible in more than just his playing style.

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