[Exclusive] The Great Dame || Instincts (feat. W.U.) [Part 1]

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Summer [June] - Third Year of High School

Summer Interhigh Day 2 Semi Finals

Aoba Johsai High vs Johzenji High

Dedicated to lelepurple for understanding the thirst, y'know?


Author's Note: Hello my sweet Haikyuu fans! Things are going to get very angsty from here on out so I thought I would treat you all to a special lil something to help you through the heartbreak.

Ever wondered what happened to Sara and Ushijima after Y/N sent them off to the nurse's office? Well, wonder no longer! To thank you for your patience as I edit the next chapter, I present this exclusive smut chapter for all those Ushijima fans from Sara's POV.

Fun fact: Dame is the female equivalent of knight! If Iwaizumi is Oikawa's right hand knight, then Sara is yours.

Sara is probably my favourite original character so far (I love how ruthlessly honest and chaotic she is aka enabling all of Y/N's schemes) and deserves all the love. She's the best friend that all of us need.

This exclusive chapter is split into three parts because I uh got a little carried away hehe. This part is pretty mild but the next one will be HAWT 🥵 I'm blushing just thinking about it...

。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆ ♛。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆

They call me a fighter. Never a lover.

Whether it's meant as a compliment or not, it's the truth.

I've always had to fight for what I want.

Growing up in a poor neighbourhood like mine, you had to. My parents were nothing more than ghosts flitting through our apartment and rarely ever home, meaning I was basically raised by the kindness of my neighbours, the Terushima family. In retrospect, I probably spent more dinners over at their apartment than in my own. Although I was yet another mouth to feed, they treated me like their daughter and generously shared what little they did have.

In the blink of an eye, my childhood years of youthful ignorance and bliss flashed by. The bright days I spent playing soccer in the streets with the neighbourhood kids were long gone, replaced by shady figures in dark warehouses and moonless nights. I got caught up with the wrong crowds in the wrong side of town, and found myself on those same streets I used to play in, battered and bloodied from brawls every week. My only ally, Yuuji, was steadfastly against me fighting, but without fail, he was always there to patch me up and pull me down when things went too far.

When I was offered a sports scholarship to attend a private school as prestigious as Aoba Johsai, I immediately accepted with only thoughts of what I'd gain. I didn't have much regard for what I'd lose, like my best friend. 

But I was used to losing things. That's life, isn't it? Just like any soccer or volleyball game, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It's easy to not grow attached when you don't have much to begin with.

I wasn't smart like Yuuji was, so what choice did I have? I needed to survive. I couldn't spend the rest of my life leaning on him.

I've never been one to wallow in regret, on 'what ifs' and 'if onlys'. It just wasn't me.

There's no time to think about the future when you're preoccupied with trying to survive and worrying about where your next meal will come from.

Some would call it being selfish or egocentric. The President called it self preservation - being an opportunist. I liked the sound of that.

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