[4] The Great Queen || Retribution

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Spring [April] - Third Year of High School


'BASED ON THE particular brand and style of the envelope you provided, we identified five students who match the description,' Tomomi stated.

'Thank you for looking into that for me,' I smiled, slipping the paper Miyu handed me into my binder.

Miyu's part-time job at the local stationery shop certainly came in handy more than once - and I wasn't talking about the discounts she got us for club supplies.

I was far from petty - the countless letters and gifts Tooru received didn't faze me in the slightest. If they did, my patience would have snapped years ago.

However, just because I turned a blind eye didn't mean that I didn't keep track.

There was a very clear line and when someone overstepped, I was not above sending a message of my own.

'Oh. By the way, did you transfer the funds required for the final payment of the gymnasium renovations? The volleyball team asked me about it yesterday,' I queried.

When I say the team, I meant Tooru. And when I say asked, I meant dramatically begged with a trembling lip and puppy dog eyes. From the way he carried on, you'd think he'd melt into a puddle from the summer heat like the wicked witch of the west.

'I made sure to do so last week. The renovations are due to be completed in two weeks,' Tomomi nodded.

'Great! Thank you. I'm glad we were able to make room in the budget for their air conditioning unit to be upgraded.'

'The delivery of art supplies has also arrived, including the glitter you requested,' Miyu chipped in with a smile.


'YES! I finally found you! You're hard to catch, you know.'

We all looked up to see Sara come barreling through the Council room door, dragging a hysterical female first year student behind her. As Captain of the girls soccer team, Sara was as equally feared as she was revered for her strength and brashness. Rumours swirled around school regarding her mysterious past, from being recruited into the yakuza from a young age to being the leader of an infamous street gang.

'Stop your annoying sniffling, I haven't even done anything...yet,' Sara grinned threateningly down at the girl, cracking her knuckles.

'The charges?' I raised an eyebrow at the interruption.

'I caught this bitch bad-mouthing you and claiming she was going to get rid of you.'

The girl at Sara's feet was a sniveling puddle of tears. She refused to meet my eye, keeping her gaze focused on the ground.

I sighed. It was too early. I didn't have the time for this.

There was truly no rest for the wicked.

'This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. Students are entitled to publicly criticize their elected representatives without fear of repercussion. If we don't uphold that immunity, it makes us hypocrites as our job is to advocate for them against the autocracy of the school staff,' I stated dryly.

Hesitantly, the girl raised her head hopefully at my flippant remarks.

'She can talk all she wants but words are not substantial evidence of intention. In saying that, there's nothing technically stopping her but I wouldn't say it's the wisest decision one can make,' I continued, inspecting my nails.

The Greatest (Cheater!Oikawa Tooru x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang