[5] The Great Queen || Firecracker (feat. H.I.)

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Spring [May] - Third Year of High School


'JUST SAY THE word, Snow.'

My eyes flickered up from the three bento boxes I was unpacking to where Hajime stood by the rooftop railing. Although he was talking to me, his eyes were fixed on the scene in the schoolyard below.

It was Friday. I was normally booked every other day of the week but I always made an effort to spend Friday lunchtimes with Hajime and Tooru. It was a tradition that I looked forward to all week.

Hajime's dark eyebrows were knitted as he tossed a volleyball impatiently from hand to hand.

Standing up from my kneeling position, I exhaled in exasperation and strode over to where he stood.

What a bother.

We watched as Tooru leaned against the building wall, glancing down at his watch every so often. Despite the bustle of usual lunchtime activities in the schoolyard, that side of the building was deserted.

Soon enough, a brunette approached Tooru and immediately bowed. I vaguely recognised her as a second year student.

A confession, no doubt. Why does no one around here have any self respect?

Tooru stepped forward upon her arrival and continued his confident strides, backing the nervous girl into a tree.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Hajime grit his teeth.

I had no doubt that Hajime could easily hit Tooru's head from all the way up here. However, inflicting physical pain would do no good. It couldn't make me feel better nor could it relieve the pressure that pressed against my chest.

Resting my chin on my palm, I passively observed as Tooru rested a palm against the tree trunk, leaned forward and whispered something inaudible into the girl's ear.

'No. I need to trust him. I have no substantive reason to believe otherwise,' I stated, careful to mask the emotion in my voice. The words came out more sarcastic than I had intended, but thankfully Hajime was too irritated to notice. His fingers were twitching at this point.

It was true. I needed more than circumstantial evidence to ease my mind. After my insightful conversation the other day with Kindaichi and Kunimi that raised more questions than answers, I decided to do some investigating and rule out every possibility. My paranoia was affecting my workflow so taking action was my only option.

The only problem? Rumours and witnesses could be unreliable.

Using the glitter delivery we received, I carefully rigged every well-known (and unknown) make out spot in the school to surreptitiously dispense glitter over unsuspecting couples. Each location was assigned a unique colour so I could cross reference individuals and locations. It was completely harmless and no one was one the wiser.

During the assembly in final period, I stealthily snapped a photo of the student body on my phone whilst I was onstage.

Imagine my surprise and joy when I turned around back to my seat and noticed that Miyu and Tomomi both had red glitter in their hair.

Examination of the photo afterwards revealed several scandalous secrets but also eased my overactive imagination. Tooru was glitter free. With full hair like his, there was no way he could avoid my setups.

I should have been relieved.

So why did my gut tell me that Tooru was hiding something from me?

I knew why. It was currently slipped in between the pages of my notebook, a cruel reminder of a truth just beyond my reach.

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