[6] The Great Queen || Midnight Demon

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Summer [June] - Third Year of High School

Night before Summer Interhigh


'YOU'RE GOING TO ruin your eyes, you know.' Leaning down, I lifted the left side of his headphones and murmured playfully into his ear.

'I won't, Mother.'

'That's a new pet name. Not sure if I like it. I've heard of Daddy but this...' I pondered dubiously.

In a flustered panic, Tooru leapt up from his seat on the floor startled.

He had been so enthralled by the video playing on his computer that he hadn't even noticed me leaping through his open bedroom window

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He had been so enthralled by the video playing on his computer that he hadn't even noticed me leaping through his open bedroom window. He had looked so cute, utterly captivated by the volleyball game playing, that I almost felt guilty disturbing him.

'Babe! What are you –'

'Don't tell me you forgot?' I sniggered.

'I – Of course not!'

In the darkness of the unlit bedroom, the flashing lights thrown by the figures on the computer screen and desk lamp cast his embarrassed expression in a white glow.

I bit my lip and prayed that he couldn't see the disappointment on my face in the dark. Turning away, I shrugged off my backpack, which was bursting at the seams.

'Good. I hope you're hungry. I brought lots of midnight snacks!' I grinned, careful to keep my tone light-hearted.

'Have I ever told you that you're the best?' Tooru's eyes lit up as I began pulling out various homemade baked goods, onigiri and savoury snacks.

'Hmmm not often enough,' I teased. 'You shouldn't stare at screens in the dark for too long. You may have perfect vision now but you should take care of yourself. Although, you would look super adorable in glasses.'

'Glasses, huh? Should I go buy some then? Think it would make me smarter?'

'You need all the help you can get.'

In response to my jab, Tooru poked his tongue out cheekily.

Although Tooru was often teased by his close friends for his stupidity, his intelligence was unquestionable. We were both in the top third year class and he regularly gave Tomomi a run for his money at the top of the class rankings without breaking a sweat.

Athletic ability, intelligence and beauty - God certainly had favourites.

If only Tooru saw what I saw.

'You in glasses will more likely make me lose concentration...' I muttered, blushing at the thought.

Stepping forward, Tooru pulled off his headphones and opened up his arms. Without hesitation, I ran into them and buried my cheek into the soft white material of his sweater. My cold fingers dug into the plush fabric as I hugged him tighter.

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