[23] The Great Queen || His Golden Chains

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Summer [Monday 2 July] - Third Year of High School


IT'S NO SURPRISE that most people hate rules. Rules are untouchable shackles on your autonomy, restraints on your freedom. Invisible chains binding your mind and body, inadvertently controlling your thoughts and actions.

Me? I didn't mind them - they are the sacrosanct cornerstone of modern society, setting the boundaries of human interaction and civility. They keep others in line, setting ethical standards and expectations of behaviour. And with expectation comes routine and familiarity, which brings comfort and safety. Civilisation is only able to progress due to peace and order. You can't live without rules. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying, or a savage.

At the very least, they are guiding principles for distinguishing right from wrong - but I didn't need rules to know that what was happening here wasn't right.

It was only Monday morning, but Aoba Johsai had already descended into bedlam earlier than usual

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It was only Monday morning, but Aoba Johsai had already descended into bedlam earlier than usual. The sea of students parted as Hajime and I approached, audible gasps following us as we made our way to the centre of the commotion. The wide corridor was packed with students, heads peeking through every available door and window lining the hallway. In my tall heels, I towered over many of the female students but at least it afforded me a clear view of the source of chaos. The heels clacked loudly on the wooden floorboards, sending students scuttling to the side.

To my left, I recognised Sara making the rounds with an upturned baseball cap that was overflowing with green notes and clinking coins. I silently sidled up to her, warily keeping my eye on the activity in the centre.

'What are you doing?' I asked casually.

'Taking bets, want in?' Sara replied before double taking and recognising me. 'Uh I mean collecting donations for charity - '

'I don't care.'

' - the charity being me,' she finished with a shameless smile and sparkling eyes. If there was one thing I'd learnt about Sara these last three years, it was that she was an opportunist. Hard times often created an abundance of them, and Miyagi had fallen on many hard times as of late.

'Who is your money on?'

'Oh Pres, gambling is bad,' she began, before seeing the look on my face.

'Takumi,' she blurted out immediately. 'The King has been holding his ground so far - he's been pretty revved up but ultimately he doesn't stand a chance. Anger blinds you, dulls your senses. Plus Haru is one of the best the boxing club's ever seen.'

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