[3] The Great Queen || Light & Shadow (NSFW)

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Spring [April] - Third Year of High School

Continued from Chapter 2


AS THE BOY launched himself to greater heights, his tall figure became framed by the entwined fingers of light and shadow. It was as if he was spreading his magnificent wings and breaking free of invisible shackles.

'Hit it Tooru!'

Overtaken by wonder, my sudden cry echoed in the empty expanse of the gymnasium. Although it was quite late and no one else was around, I could still feel my cheeks reddening.

He didn't seem surprised by my sudden arrival.

After years of dating, we had fallen into a familiar routine. Volleyball training and afterschool club activities kept us both busy until the sun set. Whilst he stayed back for solo practice each day, I ran from meeting to meeting and from club to club.

The tranquil evenings as we walked home together - both exhausted beyond belief but content - became the moment of calm I craved, the highlight of my day.

Our school days always passed by in a blur, and I held the few stolen moments we managed to share between classes and at break close to my heart.

It was hard dating the star of the volleyball team. Juggling the last few years had been difficult but it was harder than ever now. Now, he was Captain. It was official. He had more responsibilities, longer practices, bigger fanbases...

It was more than a sport. It was an obsession...an ambition.

It was probably equally as hard to date the student body President. I treaded very lightly to avoid any hypocrisy. How could I complain about him cancelling a date for volleyball (or so he insists) when I myself was often late because of errands, work and club commitments?

Support is fundamental to any successful relationship and I worked my hardest to ensure he felt supported. I knew better than anyone that sacrifices needed to be made in order to achieve success. And to be honest, it was nice to have someone else who understood this.

At least, I thought he did.

The aforementioned wingless angel touched the ground and turned around to face me slowly.

I swallowed nervously at the bright glint of mischief that twinkled in his eye. I wasn't entirely sure if I had imagined it because the light only lasted for second – then his striking brown eyes immediately darkened. The sinister smirk he gave me was anything but angelic.

As he stalked his way closer to where I stood next to the door, I found myself inching backwards.

'Oh, I'll hit it alright. You only need to ask,' Tooru murmured. His tone was playful but his seriousness was barely concealed.

Reaching past my head, Tooru slammed the gymnasium door closed behind me. My body was frozen, half in awe and half in panic. His devilish side was as terrifying as it was alluring.

I was captivated.

Delicate fingers trailed up my arm and swept my braid to the side, exposing the soft flesh.

Ever so slowly, he dipped his head low into my right shoulder and then paused.

The anticipation was excruciating.

'I'll hit it until you break, baby doll,' he hummed into my ear. His tone was a sweet singsong, as if his words didn't carry a deliciously sinful connotation.

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