[18] The Great Queen || Plea of an Heir

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Summer [Saturday 30th June] - Third Year of High School

Dedicated to @mltplfndm for all her continuous support and love 💕 (Yes, I see all those votes!!!)


IS GROWTH A good thing?

As a child, I spent hours staring at the mirror wishing I could grow that extra centimetre taller, become that much smarter, and be that bit better at a chosen task. But sometimes I wondered if growing up was all it was cracked up to be. Things change - it's a fact of life. Nothing ever stays the same, no matter how much you wish that it did. For better or worse. People change too, shaped by their experiences, environment and the people surrounding them. They're constantly growing, adapting and learning about themselves.

So how can you properly know someone if they don't even know themselves?

Can you actually ever truly know someone?

'Spit it out, Haru.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the dark-haired boy freeze. His bright eyes nervously flickered away from my figure momentarily, as if carefully considering whether to say something, before returning with a steely gaze. I kept my head down, eyes trained on the numerous lines of black text on the page in front of me.

'Hmm?' he hummed in response.

'I don't have the patience for this today.' It was only 10am on a Saturday morning, but the abysmal amount of sleep I'd gotten over the last week made it seem like the longest week of my life. And that was saying something - I was no stranger to pulling all-nighters during exam block.

'I don't know what you mean, Pres,' my right-hand-man replied innocently, elbow on the library table, chin resting on his palm. I could feel his piercing eyes boring right through me as he stared unabashedly. His intentions were always as crystal clear as his sapphire eyes.

'You've been staring at me all morning,' I grit out loudly, my irritation blatantly obvious as I crossed out a line of text with a bright red pen. It was a little hard not to notice that sort of thing, considering we were seated across from each other with miscellaneous textbooks, stationery and notebooks spread out on the large table between us.

I didn't bother to keep my voice down. Although we were in the Miyagi library, we reserved a private study room every Saturday so group discussions were not a concern.

'How could I not? You're pretty, Pres

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'How could I not? You're pretty, Pres. Especially today, my little early bird.' His tone was teasing, but he said it in such a way that I couldn't help but sense there was something else underneath.

His sharp tongue often turned silver when it was just the two of us. I suppose when two abrasive surfaces collide, they gradually wear each other down like sandpaper. The rough edges of his public persona were smoothed away, leaving behind the raw aspects for which he was so popular among the female population - his spellbinding wit, hot-blooded nature and fierce sense of loyalty. One could say he was almost charming, if it wasn't for all his backhanded compliments.

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